From a media release:
With aluminum and tin as the traditional 10th Anniversary gifts, heaps of twisted automotive metal isn’t far off the mark! Celebrating a decade, CANADA’S WORST DRIVER returns to Discovery for Season 10, premiering Monday, October 27 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. With more than 7,000 worst driver nominations, 64 horrific drivers, 198 challenges, 50 seriously wrecked cars — and just one really brave host, Andrew Younghusband – the past nine seasons have tackled the hazards of winter driving, adapted high-performance tips from the racetrack, and manouvered through big city gridlock. And now, for Season 10, CANADA’S WORST DRIVER contends with the most rampant challenge on the roads today: Distracted driving.
As Discovery’s most successful program ever, Season 10 has the potential to change bad behaviours behind the wheel of eight new participants – and indeed the driving habits of viewers across Canada. Season 9 reached 9.8 million Canadians (2+) and increased its audience by 12% over Season 8. And since it launched in 2005, Canadians have consumed over 123 million hours of CANADA’S WORST DRIVER – that’s more than 3.5 entire episodes on average for every man, woman and child (P2+) in the country!
To the relief of drivers and pedestrians across Canada, series host and writer Andrew Younghusband has hauled eight disastrous drivers off the road and safely sequestered them at the now-familiar Driver Rehabilitation Centre. CANADA’S WORST DRIVER follows the drivers, each nominated by a friend or family member, as they are put through their paces in a controlled driving environment and evaluated by a panel of driving experts. Each episode features the tried-and-tested challenges viewers have come to love, each designed to push the drivers to their limits and teach them crucial safe driving skills – all with an eye to eliminate driver distraction. Each driver must master basic training and more advanced techniques before graduating from Rehab. Week by week, the most improved driver will claim their keys, leave Rehab, and merge back into the driving lane until only one driver – the worst – is left standing.