The Writers Guild of Canada is asking their Twitter followers what Canadian TV shows they’d fight for, so I thought we’d do a little scientific* study of our own (*not scientific at all). Â Vote now!
If these shows were in a cage match for survival, which would you fight to save?
- Lost Girl (46%, 5,821 Votes)
- Murdoch Mysteries (25%, 3,215 Votes)
- Orphan Black (10%, 1,226 Votes)
- Continuum (4%, 480 Votes)
- Rookie Blue (4%, 455 Votes)
- Haven (3%, 322 Votes)
- Bitten (2%, 314 Votes)
- Heartland (2%, 267 Votes)
- Republic of Doyle (2%, 199 Votes)
- Saving Hope (1%, 122 Votes)
- Degrassi (0%, 40 Votes)
- Motive (0%, 39 Votes)
- Remedy (0%, 29 Votes)
- 19-2 (0%, 21 Votes)
- Mr. D (0%, 19 Votes)
- Call Me Fitz (0%, 12 Votes)
- Spun Out (0%, 9 Votes)
- Played (0%, 7 Votes)
- Blackstone (0%, 5 Votes)
- Sensitive Skin (0%, 4 Votes)
- Package Deal (0%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 12,618

Such a difficult decision!
and I forgot to mention I voted for Motive.
Heartland only real show on TV……., CBC finally found a show it can back for the next 5 years & attract listener for an very long time…
need to save
Lost Girl
Come on, Lost Girl
Saving Hope: I absolutely love it
Continuum and Rookie Blue
Continuum is my choice for the best show. It is excellent in production and writing. Imagine if this happened we would likely not notice the time travellers.
Rookie Blue ofcourse
ROOKIE BLUE … forever
I vote for Rookie Blue!
All my favorite shows are in the firsts rank’s – Lost Girl, Continuum & Rookie Blue. I also watch Orphan Black, Saving Hope, Bitten, 19-2 & Motive. Canadian series are better than ever.
Murdoch Mysteries – I’d campaign for Murdoch from the other side of the world!
Murdoch Mysteries of course, such good scripts and amazing actors, intelligent and entertaining, that is rare to find.
Orphan Black of course! You have to be crazy to go for anything else XD
I vote for Lost Girl
Murdoch Mysteries!
I would definitely want to keep this – FOREVER! It’s the best thing going on in Canadian TV
Trailer park boys….
I would fight for Murdoch Mysteries from the other side of the world, is Canadian but we love this show all over the world!!!
Absolutely truth! So I did… Love Murdoch Mysteries!
Murdoch Mysteries! The one show my husband and I agree on!!
Murdoch Mysteries! An all Canadian mystery show, with great actors, excellent story lines and a true perspective on Canadian history.
Never even heard of seven of these. And a couple I didn’t know were Canadian.
ONLY SHOW TO WATCH ON CANADIAN TV THATS WORTHWHILE IS – MURDOCH!!!!!!!! quite frankly orphan black and all the rest (i’ll be nice), are boring!!!!
Murdoch is brilliantly written. Mystery mixed in with actual history and references to today’s technology. The cast is phenomenal.
Cracked is not on the list. It was a good show but the CBC already cancelled it. This is a show that should be given a second chance.
Murdoch Mysteries, Haven, Continum, Saving Hope, Heartland, Motive, Rookie Blue, Orphan Black, Lost Girl, Bitten
Can’t pick just one!!!!!!
Murdoch Mysteries, Haven, Continum, Saving Hope, Heartland, Republic of Doyle, Motive, Rookie Blue, Orphan Black, Lost Girl, Bitten
Should be able to pick more than one!
Murdoch Mysteries, Motive, Heartland and Rookie Blue.
There are lots of good ones I’d vote for Rick Mercer, Remedy,Heartland , Murdock Mysteries, Republic of Doyle and the Listener for starters
Orphan Black by a longshot.
It is kind of hard to vote for any show other than Murcdoch Mysteries since I live “below the border” but Saving Hope would be my second choice.
Murdoch Mysteries all the way!!!
Murdoch Mysteries…no doubt about it! Absolutely LOVE the show!!!
Murdoch Mysteries for sure.
Murdoch Mysteries! Fabulous!
Murdoch Mysteries all the way. Yeah baby yeah!!!
Where’s Copper ? One of the best shows ever !
I voted for the best Murdoch Mysteries!
Definitely Lost Girl! Miss it already, if I personal could fund it I would! This show is so good, hoping for a miracle and they safe it! Worth fighting for! :)
Definitely have to vote for LOST GIRL, the one show in the top 5 that’s actually been cancelled. Groundbreaking with it’s treatment of relationships, sex and sexuality. Life changing and inspirational show for so many.
2.Lost girl
5.Rookie Blue
but the first one is the most important!
As much as I enjoyed Lost girl I voted for Motive and if I could of voted for more Bitten and let me say Canada has produced alot of good shows that have already been canceled some after season 2.
Lost Girl need other seasons <3
Rookie Blue, Lost Girl, Republic of Doyle, Haven, Bitten, Heartland, Remedy, Saving Hope.
I’d vote for “Haven” but I love “Murdoch Mysteries” too. You’re mean to make me choose.
Lost Girl all the way – Trust Canada to be in the vanguard of celebrating all that is brave and diverse
I agree with you! LOST GIRL Baby!!!!
Should be able to vote more than once. I choose Murdock Mysteries, Heartland, Republic of Doyle.
Republic of Doyle
Murdoch Mysteries is the only reason why I own a TV.
Lost Girl for sure!It’s the best show on TV!
Murdoch Mysteries all the way! It is the only show I consistently watch.
Heartland!!! Best show I have ever watched.
LOST GIRL HANDS DOWN. I didn’t even have to think about it!!!!
I have 4 favorites! Haven, Bitten, Continuum and Lost Girl!!
Why can’t we choose more than one? There is finally an assortment of Canadian Television that isn’t crap.
Orphan Black
Lost Girl
Yes, I NEED ALL 3!
Lost Girl is the only show on the list that I watch! Anyways, Kenzi is a babe!
LOST GIRL!!! Can’t wait for season 5!!!
Bring back Firefly that’s what I say
Lost Girl
Rookie Blue
Saving Hope
Bitten lost girl and orphan black and continuum
Where’s Blood Ties?!? Have to go with Bitten tho I can appreciate Murdoch Mysteries.
Lost girl, Saving Hope, and The Strain.
Murdoch Mysteries!
Murdoch Mysteries, but I see no mechanism to vote, please enter for me!
Such a hard decision! Lost Girl, Bitten, and Heartland are and will always be some my favorite tv shows of all time! And 2 of those are some of my favorite book series of all time too, how could I ever possibly choose between them? Love them all so much, never want any of them to end!
Another truly amazing book and tv series ended way way WAY too soon: BLOOD TIES!!! This show was beyond its time, groundbreaking and breathtaking in every way! The directing, writing, filming, and especially the casting and acting was absolutely perfect! Kyle Schmid truly is perfection, love him in everything he does: Blood Ties, Copper, Being Human, Lost Girl etc. It was one of my first loves and remains today one of the best I’ve ever seen, I’d give anything to bring it back!
Lost Girl and Lost Girl only
Lost Girl forever…
I hope from this poll Lost Girl team will plan to renew next season. We want season 6 and so on. Lost Girl please have a knot in season 5 final episode and take that to season 7.
Lost Girl hands down!!! Loved this show from the first episode and need moar, please. :)
why is it you can’t check more than one?
Lost girl. Love the show. Best show I’ve seen in a long time.
Lost Girl … 1000% :)
Hard choice it would have to be in between:
-Lost Girl
But my vote went to Lost Girl hands down!
As a Canadifan living in the States, I’d advocate invasion to keep Lost Girl going or reverse invasion to get poutines on the menu here, either one really. Although we probably need less unhealthy fried food and more Kenzi south of the border (and more Doccubus for the way down south!).
Continuum!! Best show ever!
I vote for Orphan Black, Lost Girl, Rookie Blue, Haven, and Bitten.
Murdoch Mysteries is brilliantly written and Orphan Black is hands-down the best performance you will ever see in a scripted tv series by one, single actress. LOST GIRL, however, is not only a hayride, it is the only television show that has consistently treated sexual orientation as a natural, undeniable fact of nature. Lost Girl has provided what may be the most progressive portrayal on television of love and desire between same-sex characters. There are male characters in the cast, of course, but the icing on the cake is the collection of female characters that are complex, kick-ass, unapologetic, and strong — with Bo leading the pack. There has never been a character like Bo before on television and (sadly) there may never be again. So I’m throwing my fedoras, berets, caps, beanies, trapper, and prized cowboy hat into Lost Girl’s ring. If I had a Viking helmet I’d throw it in, too.
DEFINITELY! as long as kenzi is on it and lauren and isabeau and tamsin.
Anyone who voted Continuum- Give this petition a look!
And this one!
Lost Girl all the way. Only for Doccubus!
Please vote Continuum. It is the best show on television. It is the most original, thought-provoking, action-packed sci-fi adventure ever on television, and it deals with questions regarding our society’s future.
19-2 ALL THE WAY! Best Canadian show out there!!!
1. The Listener
2. Orphan Black
3. Bachelor Canada
Which is strange, since I usually enjoy the scenery. These programs are more about the people. hmm..
My first choice is Lost Girl, then Continuum and finally Orphan Black. :-) 💕ðŸ‘
Bitten hands down
Murdoch Mysteries!!!
Save Rookie Blue ! Best show EVER !