This week our readers sound off on Duke and Mara on Haven, the latest instalment of Strange Empire and the roller coaster relationships on Saving Hope.
It sickens me that Duke and Mara did it. I am probably one of the biggest Duniffer lovers around, and he did betray their relationship. I don’t trust her, either. He is in for probably a sick and sad surprise. I love Gloria’s quote, “its like she was a real-life Mrs. Potato-Head.†She is usually pretty funny–love her!–Haven Momma
A very well-written and concise review [of Strange Empire], Diane. I appreciate that the show invites different takes from different angles and my own review of the latest episode focused specifically on the owner-work relations … if interested, here is the link.–Chad
This season [of Saving Hope] has been a roller coaster so far, but I’m enjoying it. I can’t make up my mind which couple I like best. It’s hard to re-watch the first season and a half, or the first two episodes of this season, and not root for Charlie and Alex. But as this season goes on I think I’m leaning more toward Charlie and Dawn. Shanks and Nolden have really good chemistry and I think the two characters really know and understand each other. Joel seems to really know the post-accident Alex as well; wish we had seen the aftermath of their hooking up from last episode. Enjoying the medical and ghost storylines too.–Hallie
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