The Stanley Dynamic, YTV – premiere
The Stanley Dynamic, a hilarious multi-cam sitcom centres around The Stanleys, a normal family with one big twist—one of their twin sons is animated. The 14-year-old twins, Larry and his cartoon twin brother Luke, navigate their first year of high school and try to fit in. Luke prefers to stay under the radar, but his ability to stretch his body like a wad of gum keeps him in the spotlight, while Larry’s love of attention constantly backfires and results in him getting into a lot of trouble. Luckily, the twins have the support of their little sister, their mom and their cartoonist dad who chronicles the family’s adventures in his online comic strip. Together the Stanleys juggle home life, school and work in a way that stretches their relationship with each other and the world in all kinds of unexpected ways.
The Nature of Things, CBC – “SongbirdSOS”
Birdsong that has graced the Earth for millions of years – and for all of human history – could soon be stilled due to a human-made perfect-storm. SongbirdSOS is the artfully-shot story of the mass depletion of songbirds in the Americas, an alarming thinning of populations that has seen declines of many species since the 1960s. According to international birding expert Dr. Bridget Stutchbury, who is featured in the documentary, we may have lost almost half the songbirds that filled the skies fifty years ago. SongbirdSOS is a wide-ranging zoological whodunit that takes the viewer through a stunning variety of human-made perils that have afflicted species from warblers to orioles to grosbeaks to thrushes. On a hopeful note, it also shines a light on some ingenious approaches to the threat, and the on-the-ground heroes making them happen.
Doc Zone, CBC – “Volunteers Unleashed”
Once the domain of international NGO’s, like CUSO or Peace Corps, overseas volunteering has privatized and gone mainstream, attracting millions of young travellers. Volunteers Unleashed follows volunteers to South America, Southeast Asia and Africa, showing how “voluntourism” has become the fastest growing and the most controversial travel sector. Leading this story is 22-year-old Pippa Biddle, who after a series of voluntourism experiences over six years, posted a critical blog. It went viral, with over 15 million hits, and instantly launched her as the poster child against privileged young white women volunteering overseas. Volunteers Unleashed shows dramatically that going overseas with good intentions, does not guarantee good will be done.
Storage Wars Canada, OLN – “Kennys vs Kennys”
Paul and Bogart swore they would never bring Bogart’s sisters to another auction, which is exactly why Roy can’t wait to bring them to an auction in Cambridge. Rick and Cindy try to get lucky with some super models, while Ursula hopes magician Zack Mirza (OLN Original Series Illusions of Grandeur) can make money appear out of thin air.
The Liquidator, OLN – “Hustle Apostle”
When he gets a call from a priest with a furniture problem, will Jeff’s need for redemption leave him vulnerable to saying yes when he should be saying no? And when a couple professional dealmakers come in to try and pawn off some outdated suits on Jeff, he shows them who the king of the hustlers really is.