“What TV show best defines Canada?” and now the votes have been tallied. With a whopping 58% of the votes cast, Corner Gas apparently best contributes to our national identity. Little Mosque on the Prairie and Hockey Night in Canada/Rick Mercer Report/Trailer Park Boys were in distant second and tied-for-third places.
What TV show best defines Canada?
- Corner Gas (58%, 1,313 Votes)
- Little Mosque on the Prairie (6%, 146 Votes)
- Hockey Night in Canada (5%, 122 Votes)
- Rick Mercer Report (5%, 118 Votes)
- Trailer Park Boys (5%, 104 Votes)
- Red Green Show (3%, 76 Votes)
- Hinterland Who's Who (3%, 63 Votes)
- Degrassi (2%, 50 Votes)
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes (2%, 46 Votes)
- SCTV (2%, 43 Votes)
- Due South (2%, 40 Votes)
- Beachcombers (2%, 39 Votes)
- Kids in the Hall (2%, 39 Votes)
- Littlest Hobo (1%, 18 Votes)
- Heritage Minutes (1%, 14 Votes)
- Road to Avonlea (1%, 13 Votes)
- North of 60 (0%, 10 Votes)
- Slings & Arrows (0%, 8 Votes)
- This Hour Has Seven Days (0%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,264

Thanks to all those who participated in the fun (without asking too many questions about how a TV show can possibly define a nation) and to the redditors who posed the question and provided the baseline responses. If you’re on reddit, check out their Canadian TV hangout.

It kind of bothers me that I couldn’t connect with either Little Mosque or Corner Gas. As a Saskatchewaner, I’ve always made a point of complaining when Saskatchewan gets underrepresented on national tv yet here are two Sask-set series that did well but which I kind of disliked. I can actually only think of 5 tv series ever that were set here (renegadepress.com, Jake and the Kid, and Moccassin Flats). I gave my vote to Rick Mercer Report because it’s the show that goes all over the country (East, West, North, Rural, Urban) but the two shows that remain all-time Canadian favourites of mine are Road to Avonlea and North of 60.
you forgot about Royal Canadian Air Force!! that was a good show that defined Canadians