Comments and queries for the week of December 15

Just as Murdoch Mysteries is really getting its stride, you introduce and keep this goofy detective in the mix. Totally distracting with his overacting. He is killing the show. Once might have been OK for some light comedy, but not for the whole season. —Paul

I’m pissed. Jackson had become a strong character on the show. They should have taken Higgins off the show. His character is unlikeable, I don’t like how back-stabbing his part has become. Take Higgins and leave Jackson on the show. —Cindy

I absolutely agree with you, Cindy!!! How could they kill Jackson and NOT Higgins? —Beverly

I thoroughly enjoyed A Christmas Fury but was multi-tasking and would love to see it again. As commented by others, it was hilarious, contained salty language and was most enjoyable and satisfying. I had never heard of Hatching, Matching and Dispatching but recognized some of the actors from 22 Minutes and Still Standing, etc. What a comic relief after the many sappy Christmas movies during this season. Please air it again on TV, not just streaming. —Kathleen


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