From Etan Vlessing of The Hollywood Reporter:
Link: Banff: Netflix launches Canadian charm offensive amid bid to regulate U.S. digital players
Behind the scenes, Tanz and fellow Netflix execs heard a familiar chorus from local critics about the U.S. streamer’s evil algorithms, its unfair Canadian market advantage and how it doesn’t play by the same rules as domestic broadcasters. And on the eve of Banff, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government in Ottawa unveiled an expert panel to investigate ways to regulate online video and music streaming services and tax their growing business presence north of the border. Continue reading.

Maybe it’s time to make it a level playing field by getting rid of the rules. The real villains are Rogers, Shaw and all Bell. We live in a global world. It is time to get rid of these geographic barriers, to allow Canadians to see world class
materials. I now watch more British and European TV than North American, and there is so much more stuff out if we could only access it. The Big Three in Canada have not really ever cared about Canadian content, they do their obligatory least possible, and rake in the cash with sim-subs!