I do not like the new The Great Canadian Baking Show co-hosts, who are great comedians but did nothing but ruin a great baking show. Your previous hosts were both excellent; the show was great as it was. Why make a change to a successful show? The new co-hosts were the last straw. It is no fun watching this show anymore. Please bring back the previous co-hosts who were great, natural, well-dressed, interesting, fresh, and not recycled from a previous show. —Darlene
I absolutely love Anne with an E! I’ve watched all the episodes several times. Anne is a remarkable actress! Watching this show will get me through the long cold winter. Thank you for producing this series. —Marcella
Fun fact: The actress who plays Marilla on this show is Queen Mary in the Downton Abbey movie. —Sara
Since I was young, the story of the Salem witch trials has captured my attention. I live close to Salem, so I have visited the area many times. I am currently reading Salem Witch Judge by Eve LaPlante. Excellent read! I cannot wait to watch this series! —Leslie
Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg.david@tv-eh.com or via Twitter @tv_eh.

Agree with Darlene, the new hosts just aren’t having the required chemistry with the show. Trying to hard to be the role of host. Bad acting is how I would describe it.