This episode is not at all interesting! This is my first negative review of my favourite show. Perhaps due to high expectations from the directorial work of Yannick Bisson, but it turned out gray and corny. The appearance of unknown relatives, adventurous projects have already been used in the plots more than once, but before that it was exciting. It is completely incomprehensible why Yannick Bisson made this episode without the bright and talented Hélène Joy. In Episodes 1 and 2, Julia was too nervous a feminist, in Episodes 3 and 4 she was not present at all. For an unknown reason, the authors of the show oust Julia from the plot. If in the next episode’s William-Julia main storyline is lost, then Murdoch Mysteries will become an ordinary, boring detective series. I hope this does not happen. —L
DULL is becoming the main theme of the series. This is the second episode where Julia is conspicuously out of the picture. Hélène Joy is made executive producer, so she does not get to act anymore? Yannick Bisson is also an executive producer and he directs as well, and he is still very much front and centre. Violet Hart also gets enough screen time as a dull coroner. There may be valid reasons for Hélène Joy’s absence and if there are, fans would perhaps accept it better if they knew what they were. Not knowing, I am losing interest in the series. Nothing to look forward to. The character of Murdoch is dull by design for the procedural aspect, it is Julia who makes him interesting. She also makes other characters interesting. Without the chemistry and the banter between the two of them and the other two main characters, the show is becoming very dull as well, despite the distinguished guests. I am saddened when I see what has become of the show after Season 11 and very nostalgic about earlier seasons, especially when Julia was coroner. It was even interesting when she was a psychiatrist, but not as a surgeon. How many episodes can there be around her performing surgery? She also no longer has reasons to interact with the other main characters. Very dull. The point: they were a team, working well together to solve crime cases. That was the winning formula of the show. No more. If that’s the case, I hope this season is the last. Perhaps all those involved are getting tired of the show and want to move on to something else. It is usually the case with actors. That is why it is better not to get too attached to a show, after all, it is just a business. —Noele
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I also felt the lack of Jilliam and Watts is missed, but… the mystery was well-written and till the end of the episode none of the folks I watch Murdoch Mysteries with was able to name the killer.
The directing was quite good. Don’t know what people expected, the director can’t change the script and add Julia. It is the writer’s duty to play with the characters. People should nag the writers…
The character of Effie started to become likeable.
The fans of George had a chance to get more of his presence.
I’d give this episode 8 stars of 10.
Yes where is Watts?
He’s only recurring on this show so likely shooting something else.
Ahhh, really cmon now, there’s 18 episodes per season. Perfection does not exist in art. When you look at the whole, there are always flaws. I’m sure the characters from Murdoch will find their way to the satisfaction of all. I’m surprised that someone who claims to love the show would threaten to stop watching because they don’t like certain things. That’s said it’s clearly a great thing that so many are invested in the characters arc.
Colm Feore is one of our “great Canadian actors†.
Well, I am a new viewer, and just starting to catch up, thanks to re-runs, The older episodes, are great, but I hope that Julia will be in all the upcoming episodes, this need more spice, William and Julia need to be seen together, as before, why not add a baby for them, I too thought that this episode with Mr. Feore, was boring, Let’s get the Real Detective work back for William and where is Watts, I hope the series is not in it’s last, I just started watching……
Love the show, Keep it exciting,
Not getting tired of it at all and still wondering how they keep making such interesting episodes and characters. As a huge fan of Nick and Nora of the Thin Man movies, I do miss the interactions between William and Julia. I am assuming she had been working on her independent film so she was mentioned but not seen.
And here I am, sitting in the US, paying for Acorn while I wait impatiently for the reason I subscribed to Acorn in the first place, and you are telling me the show has gotten boring. Isn’t “boring” just a matter of Taste? The only show I didn’t like was when everybody got eaten up by aliens! But then, I’m just an American who got hooked when I lived in Canada, and I would sit and watch it and not be bored just to see Yannick Bisson strut across the screen…. jus kiddn’, kinda.
I know the season is just 4 episodes in, but I agree, what does Julia working in a hospital have to do with solving crimes. The answer, nothing. We all seen Dixon try and kiss Julia and the fact she didn’t tell William is disturbing to me. I read a tweet recently from show runner and writer Peter Mitchell. He said he was working on the finale episode , and he wants us to try and not hate him when we see it. I’m a hugh William and Julia relationship fan, so I’m thinking the worst. He plans on ending the relationship in someway. It breaks my heart to think that is possible. Although it’s just a TV show ,William and Julia’s relationship makes you believe that true love is real and is worth fighting for. I watched for the better part of 8 seasons while the writers kept them apart. I don’t think I could do that again. If Julia is unfaithful to William, then the writers would be turning the show into every other show that promotes lust as being stronger and more important than commitment. I so hope I’m wrong.
The break in relations between Julia and William will destroy the plot basis of the show, which made him so popular not only in Canada, but also abroad. This will be the worst end to the Murdoch Mysteries! I hope the authors of the show do not do this.
I am of Caribbean origin, but I live in the US. I am totally captivated by this show, even more so by the relationship between Julia and William. The chemistry between them , and their love and respect of, and for one another is so tangible, it really makes one believe in true love. However, season 13 thus far, has me a bit concerned, I haven’t seen much of William and Julia, and with that near kiss with Dr, Dixon I hope they will not be breaking up. This would be in a word “heartbreaking “….. I am a bit confused, because I also read in a Toronto paper that they had a baby , and William delivered the baby. I hope that is really going to happen. I truly love these characters, Hélène Joy can do no wrong in my book. She is brilliant. She is a fantastic actress, I just love her. She is beyond amazing. The last 2 episodes of MurdochMysteries were a bit lackluster, I hope it picks up soon. Bring Julia back, please…… I want to see her with William, we need more of that. Solving crime together is great, but the romance between them is even better. I beseech the writers of the show. Thank You
I also think this season so far has made the storyline around guest stars, and really not very interesting stories, I am from America, and do not know some actors, expect for RED GREEN people, love them.. Julie needs to be back ( I am sure her absence is due to early filming of a movie) I did not get an end from the Crabtree story. Just okay not great.. A lot of us Yankees love Canadian movies and tv shows. (Not so much Fisher’s mysteries) I find it unbelievable.
I have a even scarier theory; Julia dies. Think about it, there has been nothing in the way of interviews on what might be in store for William and Julia. The show always had a Q&A with the cast. Not this year. Helene is very busy with her film coming out in the spring, so no time for MM’s. I think she has another one coming up soon, Run Bobby Run, and she has been named a Executive producer of Murdoch Mysteries.Peter Mitchell has tweeted that he was working on the finale and he hopes the fans don’t hate him after they see it. What do you think is going to happen? Something to think about!
I have another reason why I think the writers are going to break the relationship between William and Julia. Helene Joy just finished filming a feature film called Woman In Car, which by the way I can’t wait too see, and it’s in post production right now. The film will be released this coming spring to all the film festivals, so I’m guessing Helene will be busy with that. Hard to write her into MM’s as Williams wife if she’s not here for a few months. So what do you think the writers will do. You guessed it, break them up.
Probably all fans of the show really want to see Julia and William together, this couple has amazing chemistry! Their feelings on the screen look very real, joint investigations make each story exciting. I hope the authors of Murdoch Mysteries understand this.
I love this series so I am just going to watch and see where the writers take us this season. One thing that I wish they would do is occasionally include a reference to a departed character. Why can’t George mention that he received a letter from Emily Grace and she is still in England carrying on her suffrage work? The same could be done for other characters, including Anna Fulford and Ruby Ogden among others. I think it’s an indication of how good the writing and acting has been that you would wonder what these characters are doing now.