Comments and queries for the week of November 8

Love Watts, glad he hasn’t been written out of Murdoch Mysteries. —Patricia

Must writers screw up Murdoch Mysteries constantly, or maybe, it’s time to hire new ones? Yes to adding comedy, but stick to solving murders. Yes to Julia and William working together, not writers creating personal problems again. Crabtree’s new relationship is good until the writers destroy it. Watts is a Sherlock Holmes type crime solver until the writer’s agenda takes over. The new detective is a good addition, but will he around long? Sorry to be grumpy, but Murdoch Mysteries is a Canadian TV treasure, to hopefully carry forever, eh? —Nolan

Writers do their own thing regardless of what fans want. Hélène Joy certainly has light duties for whatever reasons, but it makes me lose interest. Watts sounds like he wants to burp most of the time. I don’t care for the character but whoever is in charge of storylines are not consistent. First, he was in love with that world travelling girl, now he is interested in boys. Brackenreid once defended and protected an homosexual lodge fellow (as Murdoch pointed out), now he seems hell bent against them. Writers should know that fans remember these inconsistencies but they do not seem to care. As far as I am concerned, if they do not reunite William and Julia as crime-solving partners, if their relationship is just ‘Hi dear, bye dear,’ not even discussing William’s cases together, the showrunners might as well pack it in after this season. —Noele

Dixon is obsessed with Julia, this isn’t going to end well this season. Believe me! —August

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