From a media release:
CAFTCAD is proud to announce the winners of the 2020 CAFTCAD Awards in Toronto.
Excellence in Crafts- Illustration
WINNER: Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events,
Season Three
Illustrator: Keith Lau
Excellence in Crafts- Textiles
WINNER: See, Season One
Key Breakdown Artist: Lanny Campbell, Key Assistant Breakdown Artists: Ellie Schultz, Samantha Stroman, Breakdown Artists: Carolyn Bentley, Ciara Brady, & Gaye (GG) Gardiner
Excellence in Building, Eastern Canada – Sponsored by NABET 700 Unifor
WINNER: Murdoch Mysteries Season 13
Cutter: Erika Fulop, Cutter & Sewer for Julia Ogden: Nona Prilipko, Stitchers: Mary Furlong & Sam Crossley, Milliner: Charlene Seniuk
Excellence in Crafts, Western Canada- Building
WINNER: See, Season One
Cutters: Kieu Nguyen, Tannis Hegan, Seamstresses: Ying Quan, Roma Wnuk, Renee Hope Twaddle
Costume Design in Short Film
WINNER: Liam and May
Costume Designer: Lara Berry
On Set Assistant: Yuliana Rubio
Costume Design in Web Series
WINNER: Devouring Dungeon: A One Hit Die Adventure, 303, Bag of Farts
Costume Designer: Odessa Bennett, Costume Designer: Ralamy Kneeshaw
Armourer: Andy Guba, Cutter: Ronda Borneman, Cutter: Ana Simões Marquer, Cutter: Jolane Houle, Set Supervisor: Hilary Boterman
Styling in Commercials & Music Videos – Sponsored by Berman & Co.
WINNER: Anthem “Convictionâ€
Costume Designer: Kristin Thurber
Assistant Designer: Magdalena Shenher, Coordinator: Sabina Bullard. Head Cutter: Devon Halfnight Lefluffy, Cutter: Gina Hopkins, Stitchers: Vanessa Palmer, Charlotte Chang, Andrea Macdonald & Ashandra Soleil Block, Hero Builder: Salem Taylor, Scar Builders: Jessica Pantella & Dylan Gilbert Lad, Breakdown Key: Christina Simpkin, Breakdown Assist: Veronica Lepik, Leather Worker Key: Richard Wasnock, Work Room Assistant: Rebecca Phillip
Costume Design in Indie Feature – Sponsored by IATSE 891
WINNER: The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw
Costume Designer: Adriana Fulop
Costume Assistant/Set Supervisor: Vanessa Young, Set Supervisor: Alisha Robinson, Costume Daily: Morgan Penney
Costume Design in TV – Contemporary- Sponsored by IATSE 873
WINNER: Baroness Von Sketch, 401, Humanity is in an Awkward Stage
Costume Designer: Nicole Manek
Assistant Designer: Elise Taylor, Set Supervisor: Delaney Hicock, Truck Supervisor: Aleksia Pavlovic, Buyer/Set Assistant: Gwyneth Barton, Seamstress: Melinda Dempster
Costume Design in TV – Period – Sponsored by IATSE 873
WINNER: The Terror, 206, Taizo
Costume Designer: Tish Monaghan
Assistant Designers: Kenichi Tanaka, Jaida Hay & Takashi (Ash) Bernhardt, Costume Supervisor: Janice Swaze, Costume Coordinator: Kyla Nesbitt, BG Costume Coordinator: Debbie Geaghan, Set Supervisor: Denise Barrett, Truck Costumer: Christina Petford, Key Breakdown Artist: Sharon Fauvel, Breakdown Artists: Katy Johnson & Jim Campbell,Cutters: Rosalie Lee & Elizabeth Raap-Walski, Shoppers/Prep Costumers: Colette Storey & Suzette Soloman, BG Set Supervisor: Katie Johnson, BG Truck Costumer: Maxine Siperko, Prep Costumers: Stephanie Nolan, Sheila Bingham & Emily Laing, Seamstresses: Patrice Yapp, Anna Postawski, Petra Wright, Jillian Little, 7 Sula Salampassis, Kimono Tech: Fumiko Horan
Costume Design in TV- Sci-Fi/Fantasy – Sponsored by IATSE 873
WINNER: Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events, 306,
The Penultimate Peril
Costume Designer: Cynthia Summers
Assistant Designers: Phoebe Parsons & Kelsey Chobotar, Costume Coordinator: Courtney Mckenzie & Lorelei Burk, BG Coordinator: Deanna Palkowski, Illustrator: Keith Lau, Prep Costumer: Madeleine Mckibbon, Natalie Mason, Eli Finley, Marcia Mior, Natasha DeFazio & Miel Nicholson, Background Costumer: Natalina Sabathil, Key Breakdown Artist: Sage Lovett, Breakdown Artists: Chance Lovett, Brittany Morrow, Shelby Page & Alissa Luxford, Head Cutter: Devon Halfnight LeFluffy, Assistant Head Cutter: Norma Bowen, Seamstresses: Lisa Truong, Vina Guigcangco, Anna Postawski, Helena Prentice, Chelsea Murray, Sahar Eslami & Alina Babii, Set Supervisor: Steve Holloway, Truck Costumer: Sanchia Wong, Set Costumer: Steve Oben, BG Set Supervisor: Deanna Palkowski, Costumer: Carmen Bonzelius, BG Truck Costumer: Chloe Sonnenfeld, 2nd Unit Set Supervisor: Magdalena Shenher
Costume Design in Film – Contemporary – Sponsored by IATSE 891
WINNER: Ready or Not
Costume Designer: Avery Plewes
Assistant Costume Designer: Heather Crepp, Set Supervisor: Joey Watson, Truck Supervisor: Anita Schspansky, Breakdown Artist: Alex Kavanagh
Costume Design in Film – Period – Sponsored by IATSE 891
WINNER: The Lighthouse
Costume Designer: Linda Muir,
Managing Director, Seamless Costumes: Kelly Sullivan
Tailor: Marvin Schlichting, Tailor’s Assistant: Stefan Dean Stitchers: Nancy Allen, Lori Bond, Angela Colburne, Monique MacNeill, Leanne Reimer, Lynette Schlichting & Raelene Worthington, Milner: Julie Munson, Bootmaker: Jitterbug Boy, Aging/ Breakdown: Sue Willis, Alima Meyboom, Knitter: Laurie Krempien-Hall, Set Supervisor: Bethana Briffett, Truck Supervisor: Rachael Grant
Nobis Industry Icon
Juul Haalmeyer
Costume Design in Film – International
WINNER: The Song of Names
Costume Designer: Anne Dixon
Assistant Designers: Anna Dal Farra & Clarke Stanley,
Costume Supervisors: Heather Leat, Sosa Juristovszky & Madeleine Tremblay
Costume Design in TV International
WINNER: Daybreak, 107, Canta Tu Vida
Costume Designer: Michael Ground, Assistant Costume Designers: Maria Tortu & Suzanne Barnes, Costume Supervisor: Danny Vick, Head Ager Dyer: Wynema Chavez, Head Cutter: Aura Sperling.
The show was directed by Liz Whitmere and written by Cynthia Amsden. Music composed by Gary Grant, lyrics by Cynthia Amsden. The hosts were Aurora Browne and Jennifer Whalen. Presenters were CBC’s Angeline Tetteh-Wayoe, Toronto Life Fashion’s Odessa Paloma Parker, actors Helene Joy, Lauren Lee Smith, Dewshane Williams, Shanice Banton, Steven McCarthy, Rachel Ancheril, and Salvatore Antonio, fashion bloggers Cailli & Sam Beckerman, and Drag Queens Priyanka Love and Helena Poison. DJ Salazar Solomon performed during the party.
The 2020 CAFTCAD Awards is sponsored by DIAMOND: IATSE 873; IATSE 891. LEGACY Sponsor: Nobis. RUBY: NABET 700-M UNIFOR; Berman & Company. SAPPHIRE: City of Toronto. JADE: Grand Costumier; Canada Life; Sync On Set; IATSE 856. OPAL: Platis Drycleaners; Mokuba; Cactus Sewing Studio; IATSE 634; William F White; Sassoon Salon.
For over a decade, the Canadian Alliance of Film and Television Costume Arts and Design (CAFTCAD) has brought together Canadian costume professionals from all corners of the industry, regardless of union affiliation. The founders of this Alliance understood that Canadian costumers would be stronger together than individually. The CAFTCAD Awards, which held its inaugural event in 2019, was the culmination of these efforts to bring the costuming community together, recognize and reward talent, and usher CAFTCAD onto the world stage.