Everything about Trailer Park Boys, eh?

In the news: The false dichotomy of the CRTC

Alex Epstein of Complications Ensue comments on the current CRTC hearings, to decide if the Canadian Television Fund should be divided into separate funds for cultural programming and for commercial programming:

  • Culture=Entertainment
    “SLINGS AND ARROWS is successful cable TV. It is also successful highbrow culture (which satirizes highbrow culture). TRAILER PARK BOYS is successful TV. It is also successful lowbrow culture. If you don’t believe me, wait until “the boys” come round for a signing and see how many people are lining up in the cold. If people waiting in the cold to see actors isn’t a sign of vibrant culture, you tell me what is.” Read more.

In the news: Canadian TV success coming at ‘odd time’

Todd Babiak of The Edmonton Journal defends Canadian content:

  • Potential for greatness, art never more alive on Canuck television
    “The reception of Corner Gas in Canada demonstrates a profound hunger for stories about what it’s like to be a human being who happens to be Canadian. Little Mosque on the Prairie, a brilliant concept with an even more brilliant title, made Corner Gas look like Arrested Development when it debuted in January. But it’s back for a new season, with a creative team poached from Corner Gas — including Edmonton writer Paul Mather. The premiere, Wednesday night on CBC, was a vast improvement.” Read more.

In the news: Jim Shaw’s peculiar obsession with The Trailer Park Boys

John Doyle of the Globe and Mail defends The Trailer Park Boys against Jim Shaw’s rants:

  • Note to Jim Shaw: Leave the Trailer Park Boys alone
    “During the initial flapdoodle over the CTF, Shaw, top honcho at Shaw Communications, cited Trailer Park Boys as a production initially funded by the CTF and took the view that funding the show was an outrage. Some of us were taken aback. Others laughed. Trailer Parks Boys is, after all, a hugely popular success for Canadian TV.” Read more.

In the news: Fall schedule day-by-day

Rob Salem of the Toronto Star gives the lineup of new and returning shows this fall, with blurbs from Jim Bawden about Canadian content relegated to its own little listing ghetto within:
