TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 2961
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

In the news: CBC is ‘Canada’s most important cultural institution’

John Doyle of the Globe and Mail isn’t crazy about Richard Stursberg’s CBC as coffeeshop analogy:

  • How do you take your CBC?
    “Can it possibly be meant literally? That means humdrum-populist, rehashed and formulaic television, programming that cannot in any way be distinguished from commercial broadcasters. It means the absence of creativity and risk-taking, which are the hallmarks of public broadcasting, anywhere.” Read more.

In the news: Little Mosque en francais

Patricia Bailey of Playback reports on the CBC show’s arrival on Radio-Canada:

  • 2lmop1445Will Mosque’s message click in Quebec?
    “Following its sales to France, Israel and Turkey, Little Mosque on the Prairie will air in Quebec next spring on Radio-Canada. The pubcaster’s decision is timely, as the province is in the midst of a very public, and at times divisive, debate about the integration of religious minorities and immigrants.” Read more.

Carlo Rota is Yasir, a contractor in the small town of Mercy. Photo: Sophie Giraud
