TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 3025
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

In the news: Canadian Idol’s Toronto woes

From Macleans:

  • Nothing more than an Idol threat?
    The executive producer of Canadian Idol, John Brunton, has come up with a novel way of promoting his show: attack the fans for their poor judgment. Earlier this month, Brunton put out a press release — the network, CTV, dubbed it a “Canadian Idol Alert” — in which he fumed that “anti-Toronto bias” among viewers is causing many of the best contestants to be sent home early.

In the news: ZOS photo essay

Photos from the Dundas Star News:

  • Zone of separation
    For the past two weeks the parking lot behind Dundas District School has been transformed into Kaosova, a Balkan town almost equally divided between Christian Serbs and Albanian Muslims. The town is the backdrop for Zone of Separation, an eight-part drama series on The Movie Network about the life and death struggle to enforce a U.N.- brokered ceasefire.