Adam Korson and Carrie-Lynn Neales (Seed) on Writers
(Photo by Derek Langer)
You may notice a trend in these interviews. Since a big part of this Industry Gala was dedicated to writing awards, and IÂ may have a slight bias towards that profession, a lot of my questions focused in that direction.
CLN: “We had the BEST writing team.”
AK: “We really did. What was amazing and still fascinates me today was how they really crafted 22 minutes of television, and did it consistently throughout the entire season. We had 9 people in our cast, and they jam-packed the entire season. Three different story lines going on, funny, relatable, and that still astounds me.”
“I’ve always had respect for writers, and I write myself but now it’s like WOW, I have SO much learning to do, and so much more respect for writers. It was a pleasure to speak their words.”
CLN: “And they took such an interest in how our relationship on set was forming. I think they really wrote for both of us, and for all of the cast. They were incredibly in tune with it, and that really helps.”