Update: Congratulations to Marsha Mason, who won a free pass to this year’s Toronto Screenwriting Conference. Thanks to everyone who submitted their story.
Want access to veterans of the screenwriting industry who can give you the education and skills development to further your career in writing, producing and directing? The Toronto Screenwriting Conference is for you.
The two-day weekend event—on June 23 and 24—brings together expert creative talent, authors and speakers specializing in the craft of writing.
Among the highlights is a Writing Room Intensive with Degrassi: Next Class and Holly Hobbie showrunner Sarah Glinski, where participants will work together in a mock writing room to break a pilot for a Dawson’s Creek reboot. Also on tap: speakers like David Shore (House, The Good Doctor), Chip Johannessen (Homeland), Stacy Rukeyser (Unreal), Ben Watkins (Hand of God) and Corey Mandell.
New this year is The Foundation Series: Where New Stories Begin with two sessions in Brain, Biography and Crime with Dr. William Watson, and Understanding Fraudsters and the Coppers that Chase Them with Mike Akpata.
TV, eh? is proud to be the exclusive media sponsors for this year’s Toronto Screenwriting Conference, but we’re even more excited to offer our readers the chance to win one complimentary pass to the weekend!
Simply comment below telling us which Canadian TV show, past or present, has inspired you to write for Canadian TV or film and we’ll select one winner at random to attend this month’s event. The contest closes Friday, June 15, at noon PT/3 p.m. ET.
More information can be found at the TSC website.