Canadian Idol Exec Producer whines about fan voting

An odd media release from CTV:

Canadian Idol Alert: Executive Producer Responds to Toronto Eliminations

  • Statement by John Brunton, Executive Producer, Canadian Idol

“Last night’s elimination of three competitors from this year’s Canadian Idol Top 22 is disgraceful. Toronto lost half of its competitors in one night, and 75% of the eliminated competitors were from our city. These were three great young singers – any one of which would have made a fantastic Top 10 competitor.

Each year, more people come out to audition in Toronto than in any other
city. Each year, Canadian Idol judges select more people from Toronto to be in the Top 22 than any other city. But no competitor from Toronto has made it to the Top 10 since Season One, four years ago, and that’s pathetic.

I’m not really supposed to do this. I’m supposed to be impartial. But as a born and bred Torontonian, I’m fed up with the lack of attention and respect paid to the bright, young singers from Toronto. They deserve more. It should not be a disadvantage to be a Canadian Idol competitor from Toronto.

While the rest of the country is buzzing about Canadian Idol and the success of their hometown heroes, Toronto is not paying attention. Toronto is not supporting the local talent found right in its own backyard.

This isn’t about regional voting. Each competitor needs the support of the entire country to move forward in the competition. But hometown pride also plays a huge role. To know that your hometown is cheering for you makes a difference.

There are three competitors left from Toronto – and one from Hamilton – and I hope everyone in this great city of ours does all that they can to support them next week.”


6 thoughts on “Canadian Idol Exec Producer whines about fan voting”

  1. I usually print media releases verbatim and didn’t want to supress this one, but it’s so ridiculous, I’ve got to add my editorial comment:

    1. The Toronto area had 6 of the top 22 spots, meaning they’d divide the regional vote. Toronto still has 3 of the top 18 spots left – that’s about 17 percent of the spots. Greater Toronto represents about 15 percent of the population of Canada.
    2. According to this earlier article from CTV, the fan voting reflected the judges’ comments.
    3. According to one site’s recaps, released before the voting results, the eliminated contestants were among the weakest.
    4. Canadian Idol’s ratings in Toronto have never been strong. Invoking city pride is an obvious attempt to boost regional ratings.

  2. I completely agree with Diane. Brunton’s whining has everything to do with boosting regional ratings in the Toronto area. The contestants who went home gave the poorest performances, end of story. It had nothing to do with regional voting (although regional vote-splitting would have had a part in it).

    Look at Winnipeg…there were some awesome singers at the auditions but NONE of them made the Top 22 so I think having five from the Toronto area still in things is nothing to lament about.

  3. There is no reason to vote, who are you going to vote. This season I am voting, they have somebody worth voting for. They have a big problem with their judges, they have to go, you have 4 rockers (judges)on the show, they don’t freaking know how to judge. Do you think American Idol would allow Montana to be on Top 24, give me a break, that’s the reason why I watch American Idol faithfully. This season they have a girl who can really sing, hitting high notes, Simon would love that, for Canadian Judges it’s a problem to be too perfect. The 3 who went, they can’t really sing and why were on Top 22 to begin with. JOHN BRUNTON GET NEW JUDGES – VIEWERS ARE DISGUSTED WITH THEIR COMMENTS, THEY PRAISE THE WORST, THEY MIGHT AS WELL SAY LET’S VOTE FOR THE WORST.

  4. Hi Sadie, i e-mailed u a while back asking about who cut your hair, as i really liked it, i did not tell u at the time that i am Joe Volpe’s mom, I am guessing u do not read these all the time. Talk Care, Diana Marie Prince.

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