And here we are, already to the final episode of this, the third season of Mohawk Girls. As the title’s playful take on the famous Prince Hamlet quote portends;Â troubles indeed lie in wait for our ladies.
Caitlin (Heather White) has quite evidently fallen off of the the self improvement wagon. She’s quit her business course, is back eating junk food, and has even quit fitness classes with “Luscious Leon” (Alain Chanoine). Concerned, Leon drops by to check on Caitlin and finally we see the sparks truly fly. Leon confesses that he misses “Sexy Caitlin” and these two finally kiss!!!
Sadly, Caitlin also feels the pressures to date only Mohawk men and this causes great concern for her. Undaunted, Leon promises persistence until Caitlin decides if his being Blackhawk rather than Mohawk is a deal breaker or not.
To make matters even more complicated, Caitlin is later wrongfully attacked by Trumpet (Kevin Loring) and Butterhead (Meegwun Fairbrother) comes to her defense. Now poor Caitlin is left to second guess a potential relationship with Leon.
As if these troubles were not enough for our girls, #TeamThana (Anna, played by Maika Harper and Thunder played by Kyle Nobess) also does not survive this episode unscathed. Thunder, and Anna’s Mother (Nadia Verrucci), both learn to their dismay that Anna has quit school. Thunder argues that the best way to change a flawed system is to work from within, ensuring that dialogue remains open.
Anna’s mother arrives, hoping to talk her daughter into returning to school. Ironically, it is Anna’s stand against the “Colonial Oligarchy” that “Mean Girl Vicki” (Rachelle White Wind) finally declares that Anna is “one of us”. Anna, who has fought so hard to finally be seen as a Mohawk by the community, rejects her white mother. This is a deal breaker for Thunder: “I could never love anyone who can turn against their Mom like that – we’re done Anna”.
Meanwhile, Bailey (Jennifer Pudavick) is still stressing over her relationship with Watio (Jimmy Blais). She recognizes what a “quality lump of clay” he is, but she also sees that Watio channels his passions in anger. She is struggling with the challenge of perpetual compromise that leaves her wanting more out of life. She finally comes to the realization that they are too different and she breaks up with Watio.
And finally, troubles are definitely in store for Zoe (Brittany LeBorgne) who has been planning a fundraiser for a family that tragically lost their home to fire. However, social pressures continue to mount for Zoe, and shirking her responsibilities, she escapes deeper into the BDSM lifestyle. I simply loved how Tracey Deer and Cynthia Knight set these sequences up throughout this episode. Zoe’s detachment from her life was very cleverly played, no longer engaging with her friends, her responsibilities, or the viewing audience; we are simply left to experience just as she does in the world of fetish clubs.
With Zoe AWOL, the group of friends pull together to make a success of the fundraiser. Even Butterhead rises to the occasion for the greater good. Leon also puts in an appearance because Caitlin is “worth it”.
The show stopper though comes from Watio, who gets down on bended knee, declares his love for Bailey — with poetry even–and proposes in front of the entire community.
So, we are left to wonder, will #TeamThana get back together? Will Anna return to school? What is going to happen to Zoe when all her friends, who are worried sick about her, realise she was playing in the dungeon of a fetish club? Who will Caitlin choose, Luscious Leon or Butterhead? And finally, how will Bailey answer Watio’s proposal? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks go to Tracey Deer, Cynthia Knight, and Rezolution Pictures for another great season. Looking forward to what’s in store in Season 4.