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Link: Saving Hope writers sign LGBTQ fan pledge

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Saving Hope writers sign LGBTQ fan pledge
“Some friends and I got together to discuss the controversy surrounding Lexa’s death on The 100, and the pile up of queer female TV character deaths that followed close after. Michelle Mama who’s a writer, producer, director, as well as a queer activist, introduced me and Sonia Hosko (Saving Hope producer) to Gina Tass who’s a behavioural therapist who works a lot with youth. Gina was paying very close attention to what young fans were saying online, and was aware that some of them were upset and self-harming.” Continue reading. 


2 thoughts on “Link: Saving Hope writers sign LGBTQ fan pledge”

  1. Saving Hope was classy, you created Erica’s role as Dr. Reid with this generation of young woman in mind.
    Smart, confident (on the outside ), values, courageous, a fighter, professional and sexy…
    Her loyalty, determination to save Michael , Dr. Harris when no one else agreed was well received.
    It’s sad he was in a coma and his memory returned almost immediately. Yet Dr. Reid lost her memory of the relationship you created with Dr. Harris but her memory as a doctor was not effected. Everyone knows that is not possible.
    You cheapened this show that was extraordinary to ordinary, just like every daytime soap or evening soap.
    Seriously…Michael “Dr.Harris” & Dawn…a baby?
    Erica “Dr. Reid” & Joel?

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