Who will Jasmine choose on The Bachelorette Canada?
I prefer Kevin, but for Jasmine’s sake I hope she prefers Mikhel so she doesn’t have to spend a lifetime being ground under the heel of that horrid monster-in-law. Not only is she nasty but she seems to have an abnormal amount of control over the rest of the family! —Mica
She is crazy if she picks Kevin. Can’t imagine having that loser guttersnipe of a woman for a mother-in-law. I have a feeling she is going to pick him though. —ArielL
I absolutely love Mikhel but I’m afraid she will pick Kevin! If Mikhel doesn’t win her heart he should be the next Bachelor Canada!! :) —Marilyn M
Mikhel #1 since Day 1! Absolutely NO doubt!! —DeeJade
I can’t believe Jasmine sent Mike home!! He’s sensible to not rush in all gushy … shows he wants to be 100 per cent sure. It is a big decision after all. Hope she gets someone worthwhile after that stunned decision. —M
I am in absolute shock. She picked Kevin over Mike, especially when the family made her super uncomfortable? The dude with the weird voice and talks like a deadbeat jock over sweet, mature, fun Mike. Really??????????????????????????????????? —S. McCrae
Who’s that dude on Murdoch Mysteries?
Was the Shanley character (released murderer) played by the same actor as the older Beaton brother in “The Curse of Beaton Manor” episode? —Steve
Hey Steve, good eye! Both men were indeed played by Jonathan Goad.
Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg.david@tv-eh.com or via Twitter @tv_eh.

Never having felt Mike was a good choice for Jasmine in personality….I was not surprised he was sent home! Sensible, consistent yet terribly rigid (polar opposite to Jasmine’s free-spirit). Mikhel too is sensible, honorable, polite as well as considerate towards Jasmine of which I don’t feel Kevin would be as much? Kevin has an unhealthy relationship with his Mother – she appeared empowered knowing that should Jasmine injure her son’s feelings it would her shoulder(s) he would be crying on. Didn’t strike me as terribly healthy. She can’t protect her little boy forever from all the “women of the world” you know? Mikhel is sure-footed in how he professed his love for Jasmine and without difficulty I might add! He is the one…..he absolutely has to be for Kevin could never hold a candle to what Jasmine would get from a lifetime partner like Mikhel. Time will tell…..
Never having felt Mike was a good choice for Jasmine in personality….I was not surprised he was sent home! Sensible, consistent yet terribly rigid (polar opposite to Jasmine’s free-spirit). Mikhel too is sensible, honorable, polite as well as considerate towards Jasmine of which I don’t feel Kevin would be as much? Kevin has an unhealthy relationship with his Mother – she appeared empowered knowing that should Jasmine injure her son’s feelings it would her shoulder(s) he would be crying on. Didn’t strike me as terribly healthy. She can’t protect her little boy forever from all the “women of the world” you know? Mikhel is sure-footed in how he professed his love for Jasmine and without difficulty I might add! He is the one…..he absolutely has to be for Kevin could never hold a candle to what Jasmine would get from a lifetime partner in Mikhel. Time will tell…..