Huh! Yet another Canadian show [Cold Water Cowboys] I’ve never heard of. And it’s been on three seasons already! Google Canadian TV shows wiki and you can find so many shows have been done that most Canadians have never heard of let alone ever seen. And many, if not most, were/are really good, so that’s a huge bonus too. Thanks for the article. —Stevie
[Saving Hope‘s] latest Alex splitting with Charlie because of a “pact with God to stay away,†is so utterly and completely ridiculous. Too bad such a great show is ending with such a contrived storyline. It would have done better to have Alex fade away and focus on the other great characters that are so much more interesting. I for one am rooting for Charlie to end up with someone new. I will endure Alex to the end of the show, but only because I love the other characters. (Oh, and the episode that tried to convince us that Alex was a â€badass†was so laughable, I almost gave up on the show then and there.). —Tammi
I hate that they have split up Charlie and Alex. Not the same feel to the show. I’ll watch to the end to see if it gets resolved but, I don’t like it at all. —Donna
Could we return to the former “solve a mystery†style of Murdoch Mysteries? I’m not really a fan of my lead characters being exposed to so much danger. I felt that the last episode was “dark”! I was happier when William, George and Julia were investigating and solving other people’s problems. You have a superb cast of characters here! —R. Green
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