With Courtney and Taylor coming off back-to-back-to-back victories, the RCMP officers seem poised to take The Amazing Race Canada title this season. They don’t bicker and they seem to have fun, two key ingredients to success. But then, fellow siblings Martina and Phil have been crushing it of late; could they be the season’s dark horse team?
With the number of teams dwindling, everyone jetted to one of my favourite spots in this country: Prince Edward Island, home to Cows ice cream, lobster suppers, Anne of Green Gables and potatoes. Lots and lots of potatoes. But before that, the teams had to get there. Courtney and Taylor and Martina and Phil helpfully reminded viewers of the alliance they formed back in Leg 1. Of course, that was foreshadowing. At some point, that alliance would be tested, put into play or broken.
Beaconsfield Historic House was the first location, in downtown Charlottetown, and Kwame and Dylan were the first to arrive. Teams were asked to participate in a scavenger hunt to locate statues of Eckhart the mouse, the hero of a local children’s book. There were nine bronze statues, but only three held Race clues to the next destination. Rather than running all over downtown searching, Mar and Leanne took the time to read up on Eckhart. The result? They collected the first clue before anyone else. Sadly, the fact Courtney and Adam were on a small island didn’t stop them from making a wrong turn. Those two are cursed.
Meanwhile, Mel and Nancy faced their Speed Bump after arriving at Beaconsfield Historic House. There they were instructed to cut hair for charity at The Humble Barber, donating locks. This test was an emotional one for Nancy, who was diagnosed with cancer when she was 45. Needless to say, it was a touching and tearful few minutes showcasing the power of The Amazing Race Canada. It wasn’t revealed how long the Speed Bump lasted, but by the time Mel and Nancy had completed it, they and Courtney and Adam were both asking for maps revealing the locations of Eckhart. Martina and Phil and Courtney and Taylor used their alliance to help the latter team score their final Eckhart location. When we last left Kwame and Dylan, they were wandering aimlessly.
Mar and Leanne found the three pint-sized clues first, followed by Courtney and Adam who used the help of strangers to leave Charlottetown. The aid paid off big-time and they leapfrogged to first place upon arrival at the Road Block. Supper was the order of the day at The Table Culinary Studio but scrambled menus threatened to confuse more than one Racer. Courtney kicked things off on the right foot, followed by Nancy, Mar, Phil and Taylor. Courtney was simply glowing as she received the clue card and ran out to meet Adam. It was good to see them celebrating. Taylor took the time to help Phil decipher his mixed-up menu, repaying them for aid in Charlottetown.
The Detour was, as expected, tuber themed. Teams could either choose to milk goats to make soap and label different types of soap or till the soil and plant potatoes. Every team chose to plant potatoes—I would have too—and Dylan and Kwame were once again left in last place, this time at the restaurant.
For the very first time—on-air at least—we saw Mel and Nancy argue. “Just tell me what to do,” Mel said. “Because that’s what you like to do.” It was a brief altercation, but was it an indication of what each Leg of the Race has been like so far? (Mel’s eye roll said it all.) Still, she brightened up when they completed the task ahead of Courtney and Adam and drove off to Cavendish for a little zombie paintball. Every hit taken by a team while hunting for their next clue was a minute time out.
Mel and Nancy, Courtney and Adam and Courtney and Taylor were the first three pairs to leave for paintball while Mar’s back gave her fits and Dylan and Kwame finally arrived. The drive to Cavendish gave Nancy and Mel the chance to air out their grievances in an honest way. It was uncomfortable to watch, but credit to the producers for really showing the pressure these teams are under. Mel and Nancy apologized to each other … and then got hit 15 times for a 15-minute penalty. Courtney and Adam were assessed a 16-minute penalty and had a minute to sit and watch Mel and Nancy exit for the Pit Stop. Courtney and Taylor were hit 23 times while Martina and Phil were hit 19. Leanne battled her fear of enclosed spaces for as long as she could but she had to bow out, giving Dylan and Kwame an open door as they were given a two-hour penalty. Dylan and Kwame were only hit 14 times, closing the gap between them and the cheerleaders.
This Leg’s Pit Stop was located on a lovely Cavendish beach where Nancy and Mel checked in and received a trip for two to Istanbul. It was pretty cool to see last week’s saved team land in the top spot. Clearly, PEI was just the salve some teams needed, as Courtney and Adam were second on the mat. Dylan and Kwame found their way to the Pit Stop in plenty of time. It was a muted celebration for them as they claimed the final spot on the Leg and Leanne and Mar were eliminated from the Race.
Were you sad to see the cheerleaders leave? Who do you think will win? Let me know in the comments below.
Here’s how the teams finished this Leg of the Race:
- Mel and Nancy (trip for two to Istanbul)
- Courtney and Adam
- Taylor and Courtney
- Martina and Phil
- Dylan and Kwame
- Mar and Leanne (two-hour penalty, eliminated)
The Amazing Race Canada
 airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/9 p.m. MT on CTV.
Images courtesy of Bell Media.

A good episode. Brawn with that potatoes, brains with the word scramble and navigation/luck with Eckhart who should be the mascot of our Race like the US has the gnome.
Live animals can be unpredictable but still a bit surprising everyone went to the planting task.
Leanne’s fall was tough especially since it seemed like a simple clue to find and it cost them the Race.
Speed Bump was good for the episode if not really a challenge.
No dance task, there goes the theory about the memory task at the end,
All evenly matched teams now. Only way Martina & Phil may win is if they have a strong lead in time over the others. Martina has not been able to run as fast as the other racers when it has come down to racing to the mat. She definitely wins the prize if there was one for being the most entertaining & comedic racer. Cheering for all teams left, like them all equally. 😊