Tag Archives: Canadian TV

Review: Reason and purpose on Helix

After last week’s creepy opener, Helix moved past teasing us with another, nastier virus and really started getting into the inner workings of Brother Michael’s compound on St. Germain. I’m guessing the science geeks behind the series (and those among the fans watching it) were more than a little tickled by Michael’s response that all things have a reason, not a purpose.

Applied more broadly to the season, right now it seems like each of our CDC members—past, future and present—have a reason for being on the island if not necessarily a purpose. With the lone exception of Alan, who might have a bigger scheme in the works since he’s leaving hipbone clues buried at his gravesite for Julia and telling Sarah to take his brother and get out of his way.

Since Alan has come to St. Germain by way of a long list of immortal murders, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to question whether the island is just the unfortunate starting point of a particularly gross infection, or whether this all has something to do with Ilaria. And since the immortals were the group responsible for the last outbreak, it also doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to suggest this is their doing too. But what their reason is and what their purpose might be are still yet to be revealed. Hatake may have wanted the chance to activate Julia’s immortal genes, but I doubt we’re going to hit any secret child beats this time around—and that line of reasoning doesn’t explain why the organization ordered a virus and a cure the first time, let alone a second.

There’s still also the tricky issue of how Michael and his followers fit into that design (or lack thereof if we’re taking our cues from Darwin). There seems to be a strong thread of individualism to his teachings, along with the notion of abandoning your ties to others to freely be yourself—the kind of mentality that just might encourage a psychopath to unleash a virus on the world in order to gain just a touch more freedom. But Michael almost seems too benevolent to be the kind of leader keeping his followers around for gratification before ultimately reigning as one of a few kings over a devastated planet.

Despite objections from the downright creepy Anne, Michael was strangely and calmly welcoming of the CDC—willing to break the rules to look after the health of his followers when he didn’t have the resources, but at the same time pointing out just how isolated the scientists were. There’s something rotten in the state of St. Germain, but I’m not sure world annihilation is the goal. And bearing in mind the pathogen’s similarities to Narvik—the kind that had Peter freezing with flashbacks—I think there’s something to the superhuman strength and violent frenzy the diseases cause that might be the real “reason” behind their appearance.

But there’s also the problem that the virus is slowly leaking pustules all over Julia’s body 30 years down the road, which means something either went very, very wrong with its creation, or that the person responsible for this goo—looking at the people pumping it into unsuspecting followers last week and their leader—weren’t just interested in infecting mortals. Begging the question, as you’d expect, of who Michael is and whose side he’s really on.

Goo-ey goodness:

  • The title, “Réunion,” is a nice little nod to the filming location.
  • If I were the guy eating breakfast next to Alan, I would be very, very worried.
  • Watching Sarah throw caution to the wind and work in the lab without protective gear has me calling her death sometime this season.
  • “I’d be surprised if he’s here for the food.” Sarah’s getting sassy.
  • Did Julia stumble across Soren’s skeleton? I’m not sure what I’d do if it turns out there’s a Minotaur in the woods. Or a wisp of smoke.
  • Let it be known that I asked Jordan Hayes about Sarah’s pregnancy while on set and used the words “It’s been 15 months, so I’m assuming she’s no longer pregnant.” How very silly of me.

Helix airs Mondays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Showcase.


Review: Lost Girl’s daddy issues

Oh my, daddy dearest. Going into the midseason break of its final season, Lost Girl was pulling no punches when it came to surprises, revealing Eric Roberts as Bo’s much-dreaded and quite secretive papa. And Tamsin just might be dead, thanks to yet another godly lightning bolt—and right after mentioning she was onto her last life, too.

That is without mentioning the end of days, or “End of Faes” that’s now underway, and the god of the underworld about to walk the earth again thanks to Bo’s magic box. Or the fact that nothing itself, born out of chaos, is walking the earth in the body of an emotional dead six-year old who thinks crushing people’s hearts is how you put them to sleep.

I suppose packing all these moments into a single, cliffhanger-filled episode is why the series was so slow off the start when it came to revealing the ancients and their plans. It’s going to be quite hard to take a step back from the family drama now, and knocking out a couple of final cases of the week as an ode to the series’ roots could, in hindsight, be a nice touch. It’s not like things are going to get as light as Bo and Kenzi eating ice cream in a tricked-out hotel room anytime soon—not with Hades on his way up the elevator and into the apocalypse.

Though it’s a bit hard to suss out who the real “good” ancients are—with Zee’s parting tip to Tamsin being a mild suggestion that the top god of religions past has, true to mythology at least, played a somewhat dubious game when it comes to saving the planet. It was certainly obvious that Zee’s terrified of the prospect of her brother surfacing—but how much of that is some kind of benevolent desire to stop the apocalypse and save Bo, and how much of that is saving her own skin given what sounds like a difficult relationship (to say the least) will have to remain a reveal for the next half.

But given how Zee was relishing the prospect of slicing a glowing umbilical-cord-cum-handprint off Bo with a rusty blade, her interests are coming across as mighty suspicious, while Bo’s so-called “evil” father emerged as the fairy godmother of the catfight between the two fashion-forward ladies. Of course, playing the good god/bad god game is probably naïve in a series that has touted its lead as unaligned—it’s just as likely both Hades and Zeus have skeletons in their closet and shining moments of altruism too, but it would be a nifty twist if Bo’s father wasn’t the demon the series has made him out to be.

It might go some way to ending Bo’s introspective self-loathing, and hopefully help her start to build constructive relationships with the people around her. It says something when the love of your life assumes your latest tryst talk is intended to reinforce a status quo where Bo plays the field and Lauren acts super-chill with her syringes. Bo may have been coming to the conclusion that it’s time to boldly step into commitment—even without the knowledge that a heartbroken Tamsin was potentially killed mid-Valkyrie tears—but there was a certain satisfaction to seeing Lauren leave Bo hanging for a bit. If meeting Hades is what it takes to get Bo to finally grow up and treat the people who love her with a degree more respect, then hey, I’m all for the god of the underworld joining the above-ground party. You can only blame daddy issues for so long, and the clock is officially ticking on the fate of the world.

Lost Girl returns later this year on Showcase.


Review: Lost Girl goes to the gods

Of course Lost Girl would be the series to give us gender bending Greek gods, Hera and Zeus, with our mysteriously undead Kevin Brown revealing himself/herself as the devious goddess and leaving Zee as the lightning bolt-delivering god. The swap went some way towards explaining my confusion over trying to figure out how Hera was suddenly shooting lightning bolts like Zeus, but I’ll admit I’m slightly disappointed it means we have a dude kicking butt as top god on this lady power loving series.

Instead, Hera-as-Kevin Brown was relegated towards cleaning up the curious Alicia and trying (and failing) to take out Dyson. Though that does make sense if Bo’s guess about why the Ancients have suddenly returned is correct. Hera might be down with sticking up for her team, but not quite to the extent of Zeus—who might technically be Persephone’s father. Though, with the obvious sense that Lost Girl is going way off text when it comes to these fae, there’s no telling what the alliances are or who they’re really looking out for.

It’s a nice idea that the Ancients have returned to rescue Persephone—and maybe that’s why they were so interested in Bo’s “truth,” to find out how she got the candle and where Persephone is. Then again, considering they’ve killed nearly all of Lauren’s employees and devastated the city—along with an elevator of people—and finally, launched Cassie off the balcony of a skyscraper, the Ancients as good guys is a bit of a tough sell.

But if they’re that loyal to Persephone, who’s related to them, maybe they’ll turn out to be as unwilling to harm Bo—assuming they find out she’s one of them as well. Because I’m pretty sure that’s what having Hades as a father should mean. Of course, it’s not really news Bo is bandying about—keeping the list of people in the know about it to the barest of bare minimums—though rightfully opting to let Trick in on the update to what happened to his daughter after he turned her over.

I can’t help but feel like we should be seeing just a little bit more remorse from Trick as the revelations about Aife’s life come out. I understand the need to maintain balance (and that Aife’s a bit scary on a good day), but surely discovering your daughter gave birth in a cage in Tartarus warrants a bit of a pause if you were the one partially responsible. Then again, Trick’s already had to live with that decision for a long time and he did, technically, do what was right. But I’m feeling just a tiny bit of sympathy for Aife as the revelations come tumbling out.

Tamsin was in for her own set of revelations when she got succubumped to the curb by Bo. It was easy enough for us to see—even without the oracles exposing Bo’s heart’s desires—that Tamsin wouldn’t be on that list. But as a Tamsin fan (though not a shipper of the couple) it still hurt to watch her cling to any number of explanations as Bo finally stepped up to tell her the truth. I don’t agree at all with Bo’s assertion that Tamsin is confused just because they’re roommates (having managed to avoid falling in love with any number of my own), but there might be some truth to the fact that Tamsin’s feelings for Bo could be caught up in the complicated history they’ve shared. It doesn’t make breaking her heart hurt any less, though, and I wasn’t too impressed with Bo by the end of that talk.

Maybe giving the oracles one last go around finally gave us a sense of what direction all those “ships” would be “sailing” in before the end, with some kind of Dyson/Lauren/Bo triumvirate being an easy call. But while I doubt Mark’s worthiness in general, even I have to admit watching Vex cope with his attraction to Dyson’s son, of all people, was well worth it. And hey, at least it means we can rest easy in the shipping wars now.

Losing it:

  • Tamsin’s “Shit got real,” is also how I would describe this episode, now that we know what’s going on
  • “No, no, no, but yes.” Was this Vex’s redemption? Because it totally worked for me
  • “You smell good wet.” Was this not meant as an innuendo? Because if we’re talking ships here …
  • “Explains the face.” Evony, upon discovering Mark is Dyson’s son
  • Evony’s big, bad reveal was a big, bad letdown

Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on Showcase.


Review: Lost Girl brings it

Finally, some answers. Or at least some massive hints as far as Lost Girl’s ongoing mystery of the elevator crash and its resuscitated bodies. After weeks of speculating about what could possibly be at the root of the unnamed woman and her troupe of undead, it seems we’ve finally got confirmation of my suspicions—we’ve got some devious Greek gods on our hands.

Although, that might actually be a bigger cause for worry considering the family dynamic of the threatening, glowing woman and Kevin Brown (or at least the god wearing Noam Jenkins’ skin like a flashy post-Jerry power suit), because the only Greek couple I know that could bicker like that would have to be top dogs Hera and Zeus. And if I learned anything during 10 years of Greek school (admittedly questionable), it’s that you really don’t mess with Hera.

Bo got a taste of that lesson this week, getting blown through a doorway and given a strange scar that won’t disappear, no matter how many girlfriend cards Tamsin tries to play. Still, at least the group finally knows what they’re up against and are now getting around to trying to fight it. Just in time too, if that Angel-esque nod to the apocalypse means some serious storms are coming to town. Considering what comes after the rains and flooding was enough to make Cassie and her family gouge their eyes out, this will probably require the full attention of the Fae. Any chance Lost Girl will burn the whole world down during its last season? Unlikely, but building towards that threat is a popular motif for a supernatural fighting drama to make its exit on, and it looks like that’s what we’ve got on our hands.

That, and clearly no resolution whatsoever to Bo and her wandering heart. After what struck me as quite the intimate moment with Tamsin last week, Bo was backpedaling hard, calling Tamsin her roommate and playing her against Lauren in what struck me as a particularly cruel—if dense—way. Surely by now Bo must also be picking up on the rising heartbreak vibes as she communes around the table with her trio of rotational lovers?

Still, at least it was Tamsin’s week in other ways as the series gave us our own versions of Bring It On and Friday Night Lights (“Clear Eyes Fae Heart”). Although I do think Tamsin’s takedown of the head cheerleader, pre-going full Valkyrie on her, was the more satisfying burst of athletic prowess—if only because everyone had been so sure Tamsin would fail at the task. It was a small bump in what was generally a bad week for the winged fighter, even if she isn’t yet aware of the dashed hopes coming her way as Bo bails yet again.

In perhaps slightly better news, Dyson’s love child, Mark, was taking a break from being an irksome pubescent boy in order to alert the others about Iris’ big boom hint. It probably helps that Shanice Banton (another Degrassi alum) as the mischievous Iris tends to rightfully reduce Mark to a quivering, silent mess while leading him along for her own pleasure/convenience. If there’s going to be any in with the gods, it’s probably her—though communicating through Mark probably isn’t the best way to get things done.

Meanwhile, we’re still left to wonder about what else the gods will be bringing with them (Herculids being the tip of that “classic” iceberg), what the triskelion is doing popping up everywhere and what will happen with Kevin Brown’s wife now that she’s on the trail of her husband’s corpse and obviously being offered up as an alternative interest for Dyson. Oh yes, and what Bo’s father—the Greek god of the Underworld—has planned with the world’s creepiest toy box. I’m not sensing a happy family reunion in the works.

Losing it:

  • Tamsin’s nightmare is my nightmare: “The drive-throughs were closed for ever. FOR EVER.”
  • Though still not as creepy as Bo’s dream about Lauren.
  • And speaking of Dyson’s new lady friend, who still prints photos? Especially ones taken with your phone…
  • “He’s famous now. He’s going to be on a protein bar.” Iris is easily shaping up to be my favourite new addition.

Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on Showcase.


Review: Lost Girl’s lucky day

Things are certainly heating up on Lost Girl—and I don’t just mean that surprise hook-up between Bo and Tamsin, although it does feel like this week’s biggest development. Rookie Blue’s Noam Jenkins made his first move as a resuscitated corpse, bringing the ominous words “beginning and end” to screens and teasing something cataclysmic in the offing.

Considering how long things between Bo and Tamsin have remained at the casually teasing phase, I was pretty stunned to see Tamsin finally make a bold move—and, admittedly, even more surprised to see Bo, after a moment’s hesitation, opt for the second of Tamsin’s gifts. Maybe it’s because their friendship has been so rocky, or maybe because I was sort of digging the banter-creating tension between them as they started working together, but I’m not entirely sure how I feel about these two launching into something that looks like more than a chi-swapping fling.

I guess that for all the hints and chemistry between the two, I’ve always assumed Lost Girl would head to some kind of resolution involving the Bo/Lauren/Dyson triangle—though maybe this move is suggesting the show is considering something a bit less predictable for our loving fae and her friends. Either way, it gave Bo someone to confide in, and I can’t think of anyone who would be more understanding about Bo’s need to separate herself from her father’s legacy than Tamsin.

And while I’m certain that whatever’s brewing with Lauren and Dyson’s elevator crash case is closely tied to Bo’s father—both did, after all, begin with a trip to Hell and one cryptically named candle—I’m guessing that final shot of Horatio, a.k.a. the recently-deceased Kevin Brown means solving the elevator crash might take priority over that rune-covered Jack-in-a-box present from daddy dearest.

It’s certainly more pressing for the fae world now that their signatures—and powers—have been taken from the safety of Trick’s lair and are now being used by Kevin, and, presumably, that mysterious blonde woman responsible for his death, to hunt for whatever fae they need to take out (or collect pieces from). With the oracles now blind to any other visions, there’s no one to warn Bo and the rest about what’s coming, or what it may want from the rest of the fae.

Except maybe Dyson’s new kid, Mark, if he somehow manages to get over being a ridiculous stereotype of a teenage brat in time. Right now it seems like he’s on his way to being recruited to the Dark side—a process Dyson should probably explain to him a bit more clearly, and soon. Because while the kid’s aware his new friend stole the book, he doesn’t seem to have any idea what that means, or why it’s important. And sure, he’s dreaming Bo’s dream of being unaligned, but right now I don’t think he’s savvy enough to pull that off. Especially since Vex seems to be the only friend he’s capable of making, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Vex is the one who orchestrated the whole hook up in the first place. Mark’s recklessness may have been cute enough for Bo last week, but it’s quickly turning into something dangerous. And if Dyson doesn’t step it up in the paternity department soon, there may be more problems than a few broken pint glasses.

And as fun as it was to watch Tamsin deal with Bo’s slow transformation into a kitten (note: a napkin is not a suitable cover for the sudden appearance of paws), or to at least watch Anna Silk take up residence in the soothing confines of a cardboard box, I’m still itching to make a bit more progress on what the hell (pun intended) is going on with, well, everything. Or at least see the team start to connect a couple of the dots and give us something a bit more substantial to speculate with.

Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on Showcase.
