Spun Out
is barely into its second season—No. 2 goes tonight on CTV—so it’s a little hard (and perhaps unfair) to envision where the series is going for its sophomore season. But after snagging a preview of tonight’s new episode, I can say I’m impressed with how things are shaking out so far.
As showrunner Jeff Biederman told Anthony Marco during the latest TV, Eh, B Cs podcast, the writing is tighter this time around. The performances are better too, something that happens when writers and producers have a season to figure out what their cast’s strengths and weaknesses are. This year, Rebecca Dalton’s Stephanie is smarter and given more responsibility by Dave; in Tuesday’s “Under the Influencer,” she runs a focus group in a local bar to gauge reaction to a new beer/vodka mixed drink. Sure Stephanie makes some mistakes, but it’s nice to see her take the reins on something for DLPR. It should be said that Dalton has got a gift for physical comedy … at least I hope that’s what made her club dancing so darned awful.
This is the second week in a row that Bryce and Gordon have been paired up in storyline, and I’m digging it. The duo were keep separate in Season 1, but putting the weird characters together has made for some great comedic moments. Barb Hayne’s script involved Bryce becoming obsessed with Internet polls and videos—the fake quiz titles actually sounded real to me—and Gordon and Dave teaming for an impromptu intervention to get their co-worker offline. The trio worked really well together and I’m hoping they get more screen time this season.
For me, the weak spot so far is the relationship between Nelson and Beckett. The two don’t come off as the longtime friends they’re supposed to be. It may be that neither character is particularly smooth or confident, but their conversations always come off stilted and devoid of the chemistry and rapport friends share. The result? The scenes in tonight’s episode are awkward and in some cases a little cringeworthy.
But, like I said, looking at the broad strokes Spun Out has definitely made strides. The laughs are more natural (still hating the laugh track) and there’s a nice little groove happening. Last week’s first episode attracted around 400,000 viewers, not at all bad for a summer sitcom that was announced it was returning just days before it did.
Spun Out airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CTV.

Great to see TV-eh covering the show! Much appreciated. Not sure if you just don’t like that all multi-cam sitcoms have laugh tracks, or you specifically dislike this show’s…!
I don’t like that ALL multi-cams have laugh tracks. It’s just a personal preference; I don’t know of anyone that just watches a show for entertainment even notices them.
Greg: Got it! I guess with shows I love like Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, Golden Girls, etc. I’ve never minded it. When Dorothy gives one of her looks to Rose on Golden Girls, for example, and the audience just loses it for 10+ seconds, I think it’s amazing, and I believe it would feel bizarre with silence behind it.
That said, I do feel that Spun Out’s laugh track has sometimes sounded off – at least in my opinion. I know that producers, editors and network reps were all in the editing room trying to nail it, and it’s possible something got a bit “lost in translation” once it hit the airwaves. Who knows, that’s just my thought. That aside, I’m truly grateful you guys are covering the show, we’re proud of the work we did, and we look forward to people seeing more of the new season.
It must be tough to gauge when a laugh track should be used or not. I’m no expert, that’s for sure. You guys are definitely on the right track with the episodes I’ve seen so far.
The camera work was nothing to laugh at!! Spun Out surely deserves to stand on its own feet, laugh track or not.