Whoa, whoa, WHOA. With just a few more weeks until Saving Hope‘s series finale on CTV, the drama is unrelenting. By the end of last week’s A-storyline, Charlie had suffered a breakdown in front of Amos (Don McKellar) who, of course, no one else can see. That meant Dawn witnessed the incident and was last seen making a phone call to the head of Hope Zion to lodge a formal complaint. Meanwhile, self-help guru Layla (Missy Peregrym) made a connection with Alex over beliefs and medicine.
This Thursday’s new episode, “Fix You,” would—by the title, at least—hint both Alex and Charlie could be headed for some kind of fixing. Here is what CTV has to say about the episode, written by Katrina Saville and directed by Alison Reid:
The whole staff of Hope Zion Hospital is called in for questioning by the hospital board regarding Dr. Charlie Harris’ bizarre and erratic behaviour. Although Charlie is not privy to what is being said about him, a spirit is listening in and reporting back to Charlie. Meanwhile, as Dr. Alex Reid monitors Layla (Missy Peregrym, ROOKIE BLUE), a self-help guru, post her awake surgery, Layla convinces Alex to allow her to perform some of her new age techniques on her. Though he is reluctant to do so, Dr. Shahir Hamza agrees to do in-utero spina bifida surgery on the fetus of a university student, who is putting the baby up for adoption.
And here’s a bit more info after watching an advance screener:
Layla is back
Yup, there is more to her story than what was revealed last week. Turns out she’s ready to be discharged but Alex still has concerns regarding Layla’s health. And Layla is worried about Alex’s energy, something she refers to as a black cloud “spewing gunk.” That can’t be good. The pair share several wonderful scenes, including one about truths that occurs in a very fitting location.
Charlie is in rough shape
With the staff being summoned regarding their observations about Charlie, he’s determined to fight for his job. He’s hoping Alex will stand up and defend his actions, but will she? And Amos is far from done speaking with Charlie and has some choice words for him before the embattled doctor goes in for his assessment. Also, Amos shows off some skills we’ve never seen from the spirits on Saving Hope before, which leads to interesting ways of showing Charlie’s assessment. And Amos is paramount in Charlie making a key realization about his own past.
Shahir makes a decision
The synopsis above hints at the story, a tragic case that could very well end up having a very happy ending for Shahir and Jonathan.
Cassie faces her fear
Um, we had no idea there was even a name for the phobia Cassie has in tonight’s episode. That scene, plus a few more, provide some funny moments to temper the serious we get on Thursday.
Saving Hope airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CTV.
Images courtesy of Bell Media.

Hoping the payoff is believable, because it’s hard to imagine something instantly bringing Charlie and Alex back together. Going to be hard to top the emotion of last week.
The whole separation thing has been incredibly artificial. Them snapping back together like magnets is only logical. Plus they’ve got 3 episodes to give us everybody’s happy ending.
It is time for Charlie and Alex get married! I love the program!
So dissappointed that Saving Hope series is over! Loved the show but hated the ending😢so dissapointing to get into a good show and have it come to such a sad ending. What a bummer!