And just like that, we’re off and running with a new season of Murdoch Mysteries. In last week’s return, we met architect Frank Lloyd Wright and saw the deadly consequences of being inside William’s potato cooking room when you’re not a potato. If you haven’t done so already, read my interview with showrunner Peter Mitchell, who gives some background on how the house came together.
Now, on to Episode 2. Here’s what the CBC has released as the official storyline for “Operation: Murder,” written by Mary Pedersen and directed by Harvey Crossland:
Ogden enlists Murdoch to investigate possible sabotage in the operating room after a patient dies during a routine medical procedure.
And, as always, some non-spoilery details after watching the screener.
Orphan Black‘s Kathryn Alexandre appears in an important role
After playing Tatiana Maslany’s body double for five seasons, Kathryn Alexandre steps into the spotlight in a fun role:Â Florence Nightingale Graham, the businesswoman who founded Elizabeth Arden, Inc. Florence and George enjoy quite the romp on Monday night and it leads to a very, very funny scene.
Julia’s storyline is anything but funny
While George is getting goop on his face, Julia is dealing with tragedy at the University of Toronto School of Medicine. Veteran actor James McGowan is Doctor Forbes, who encourages Julia to perform surgery on a patient. Stephanie Belding returns to Murdoch Mysteries for a third stint, this time as Nurse Sullivan, a key witness in a patient’s death. Sebastian Pigott, most recently seen on Wynonna Earp this year and Frankie Drake Mysteries last year, is Dr. Dixon, a fellow student of Julia’s and none too happy she’s smarter than him.
Oh, that house
I’m glad all the work the crew did on the Frank Lloyd Wright home set is being used in more than one episode. It serves as the backdrop for William’s latest scientific gadget.
Murdoch Mysteries airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on CBC.
Images courtesy of CBC.