From a media release:
The 3rd CAFTCAD Awards which aired on May 1st, has once again brought together costumers from across Canada to recognize excellence in every aspect of costume design and arts for film and TV. The CAFTCAD Awards is uniquely positioned as the only event in this country that focuses on this work. And from the very beginning, the CAFTCAD Awards has had diversity baked in as evidenced by the majority percentage of nominees and winners being female and representative of Canadian BIPOC costumers.
Star Trek: Discovery was the top winner at the 2021 CAFTCAD awards, taking home three awards: Gersha Phillips’ designs for Best Costume Design in TV-Sci-Fi/Fantasy, as well as Excellence in Craft- Special Effects Costume Building, and Excellence in Craft- Building. Adriana Fulop and her team won for her designs in Trickster (Best Design TV Contemporary), John Dunnett and his team won for Best Design in an Indie Film for Jump, Darling, and NAACP Award-winner, The Banker, earned another prize for Aieisha Lee’s costumes for Costume Design in Film- International.
Excellence in Crafts – Illustration
WINNER: The Twilight Zone, S2
Terry Pitts
Excellence in Crafts – Building
WINNER: Star Trek: Discovery 301, That Hope is You, Part 1
Tanya Batanau-Chuiko, Carla Mingiardi, Ryan Smith, Gülay Cokgezen, Costume Designer: Gersha Phillips, Costume Supervisors: Karen Lee, Kim Harkness, Assistant Costume Designers: Carly Nicodemo, Daina Valiulus, Michael Ground, Buyers: Kaitlyn Fifield, Loretta Chin, Money Tracker: Tova Harrison, Costume Assistants: Melanie Lian, Bianka Meore, Jo Jin, Digital Asset Manager: Kayso Wong, Cutters: Paula Ling, Sewers: Leanne Reimer, Chloe Tekavcic, Luan Zhang, Malia Janveax, Malika Ben Slimane, Brit Wacher, Carly Cumpsom, Marie Glas, David Frankovich, Tori Lang, Key Textile Artist: Bonnie McCabe, Textile Artists: David Webb, Chantelle Hermiston, Jamie Quail, Key FX Costumer: Ray Wong, FX Costumer: Hayley Stolee-Smith, Blake Hyland, Andrew Cook, FX Sculptor/Molder: Alex Silberberg, Set Supervisor: Kymn Keating, Truck Supervisor: Chelsea Oliver, Assistant Set Supervisor: Tara Thompson, BG Coordinators: Heather Constable, Jennifer Choy, Madelaine Humeniuk, Illustrators: Christian Cordella, Ciara Brennan, Keith Lau
Excellence in Crafts – Textiles
WINNER: The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina, S2
The Dye Dept: Anthea Mallinson; Emily Kathleen McIntyre, Ahra Ko, Layne Eustace Beck & Katie Blecker, Costume Designer: Angus Strathie, Assistant Costume Designer: Kelli Dunsmore, Costume Supervisor: Dawn Grey, Prep Costumer: Jenny Lang, Prep Costumer: Victor Goodchild
Excellence in Crafts – Special Effects Costume Building
TIE : Odd Squad Mobile Unit Season 1
Specialty Costume Builder: Bonni Burns, Henchmen Studios, Costume Builder / Milliner: Ashley Gennuso, Costume Designer: Christine Toye, Costume Cutters / Builders: Alicia Zwicewicz, Sandra Mandich, Stitcher: Stephanie Wierzbicki, Costume Assistants: Becky Wasser, Kelsey Lammers, Set Supervisor: Ahna Dunn-Wilder, On Set Assistant: Ivy Hill, Truck Supervisor: Estee Mancini
TIE: Star Trek: Discovery 303 People of Earth
Key FX Costumer: Ray Wong, FX Costumers: Hayley Stolee-Smith, Blake Hyland, Andrew Cook, Costume Designer: Gersha Phillips, Costume Supervisors: Karen Lee & Kim Harkness, Assistant Costume Designers: Carly Nicodemo, Daina Valiulus & Michael Ground, Buyers: Kaitlyn Fifield & Loretta Chin, Money Tracker: Tova Harrison, Costume Assistants: Melanie Lian, Bianka Meore & Jo Jin, Digital Asset Manager: Kayso Wong, Head Cutter: Tanya Batanau-Chuiko, Cutters: Carla Mingiardi, Ryan Smith & Paula Ling, Sewers: Gülay Cokgezen, Leanne Reimer, Chloe Tekavcic, Luan Zhang, Malia Janveax, Malika Ben Slimane, Brit Wacher, Carly Cumpsom, Marie Glas, David Frankovich & Tori Lang, Key Textile Artist: Bonnie McCabe, Textile Artists: David Webb, Chantelle Hermiston & Jamie Quail, FX Sculptor/Molder: Alex Silberberg, Set Supervisor: Kymn Keating, Truck Supervisor: Chelsea Oliver, Assistant Set Supervisor: Tara Thompson, BG Coordinators: Heather Constable, Jennifer Choy & Madelaine Humeniuk, Illustrators: Christian Cordella, Ciara Brennan & Keith Lau
Costume Design in Short Film
WINNER: The Rabbit Hunters
Costume Designer: Sandra Soke, Seamstress: Hillary Klassen, Dresser: Tess Gebel
Costume Design in Web Series
WINNER: Queens 103, Naomi
Costume Designer: Vanessa Magic, Assistant Costume Designer: Eyob Desalgne, Wardrobe Assistants: Kristyn Matthews & Victoria Lus
Styling/Costume Design in Music Videos and Commercials, Sponsored by William F. White International
WINNER: Heritage Minutes: Elsie MacGill
Costume Designer: Nicole McCormick, Assistant Costume Designer: Aurelia Cerquozzi, On Set Background Costumer: Jackie Haug
Costume Design in Indie Feature, Sponsored by Wiseacre Rentals
WINNER: Jump, Darling
Costume Designer: John Dunnett, Assistant Costume Designer: Hanna Litster, Wardrobe Assistant: Jessica Agbayani, Cutter: Meghan Erin, Costume Concept Artist: Samantha Washington
Costume Design in TV – Contemporary, Sponsored by IATSE 873
WINNER: Trickster Episode 104
Costume Designer: Adriana Fulop, Assistant Designer: Alisha Robinson, Set Supervisor: Emma Lees, Truck Supervisor: Natalie Ellis, Background Coordinator: Vanessa Young, Buyer: Katrina Carrier, Breakdown Artist: Gwendolyne Preboy, Dailies: Stephanie Smethurst, Faith Campbell & Sean Mittelholzer, Costume Advisor: Sage Paul
Costume Design in TV – Period, Sponsored by IATSE 873 – TIE
TIE: Murdoch Mysteries 1312, Fox Hunt
Costume Designer: Joanna Syrokomla, Assistant Designer: Charlene Seniuk, Background Coordinator: Nathan Laws, Set Supervisors: Jenny Buck & Maria Popoff, Truck Supervisor: Paul Breckenridge, Cutter: Erika Fulop, Sewers: Mary Furlong & Sam Crossley, Set Daily: Leslie McCann, Rachel Ford & Starr Jacobs
TIE: Age of Samurai; Battle for Japan 104, Enter the One-Eyed Dragon
Designer: Lyndsay Reader, Assistant Costume Designer: Tina Razian, Set Supervisor: Eyob Desalgne, On-set Dresser: Lara Olynik, Specialty Costumers: Adam Smith & Erica Steenburg, Sewer: Richard Crossman
Costume Design in TV – Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Sponsored by IATSE 873
WINNER: Star Trek: Discovery, 301: That Hope is You, Part 1
Costume Designer: Gersha Phillips, Costume Supervisors: Karen Lee & Kim Harkness, Assistant Costume Designers: Carly Nicodemo, Daina Valiulus & Michael Ground, Buyers: Kaitlyn Fifield & Loretta Chin, Money Tracker: Tova Harrison, Costume Assistants: Melanie Lian, Bianka Meore & Jo Jin, Digital Asset Manager: Kayso Wong, Head Cutter: Tanya Batanau-Chuiko, Cutters: Carla Mingiardi, Ryan Smith & Paula Ling, Sewers: Gülay Cokgezen, Leanne Reimer, Chloe Tekavcic, Luan Zhang, Malia Janveax, Malika Ben Slimane, Brit Wacher, Carly Cumpsom, Marie Glas, David Frankovich & Tori Lang, Key Textile Artist: Bonnie McCabe, Textile Artists: David Webb, Chantelle Hermiston & Jamie Quail, Key FX Costumer: Ray Wong, FX Costumers: Hayley Stolee-Smith, Blake Hyland & Andrew Cook, FX Sculptor/Molder: Alex Silberberg, Set Supervisor: Kymn Keating, Truck Supervisor: Chelsea Oliver, Assistant Set Supervisor: Tara Thompson, BG Coordinators: Heather Constable, Jennifer Choy & Madelaine Humeniuk, Illustrators: Christian Cordella, Ciara Brennan & Keith Lau
Costume Design in Film – Contemporary, Sponsored by IATSE 891
WINNER: The Craft: Legacy
Costume Designer: Avery Plewes, Assistant Costume Designer: Laura Gardner, Costume Supervisor: Chelsea Graham, Set Supervisor: Candice Beuckx, Truck Supervisor: Sophie King-Hyslop, Background Costume Supervisor: Julia Cronin, Key Costumer: Griffith Park Unit & Pablo Borges, Costume Supervisor: Brooke Mulkins, Costumer: Griffith Park Unit & Mary Wuliger
Costume Design in Film – Period, Sponsored by IATSE 891
WINNER: Salt N’ Pepa
Costume Designer: Michelle Lyte, Assistant Designer: Jeanette Linton, Supervisor: Judy Lukkanen, Costume Assistants: Alima Meybloom & Diane Sobers, Costume Buyers: Eryne Reid, Roslyn Griffith Hall, Sheronna Osbourne & Mary Louise Cunningham, Cutter: Daniela Barbat, Builders: Manon De Gagne & Jessica Mae, Set Supervisor: Yvette Romano, Truck Supervisor: Camie Manswell, Set Assistant: Kenneth Shelley, BG Coordinator: Andy Shultz, Assistant BG Coordinator: Val Andrews, BG Set Supervisor: Anessa Abdus-Samad
Costume Design in Film – Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Sponsored by IATSE 891
Costume Designer: Trysha Bakker, Assistant Costume Designer: Donna Butt, Costume Supervisors: Barbara Cardoso & Soo Luen Tom, Truck Supervisor: Karen Renaut, Costume Buyers: Melissa Stewart & Marya Duplaga, Key Breakdown Artist: Anna Pantcheva, Assistant Breakdown: Ella Bakker Moffitt, Cutter: Michel Proulx, Seamstress: Judy MacDougall, Sewers: Soso Lin & Jaya Ducharme, Sewer Decorators: Teresa Artibello & Sarah Blostein, Costume Assistant: Lindsay Devlin, On Set Assistant: Janice Skinner, Costume Assistant: Trelawnie Mead, BG Coordinator: Mary Partridge, BG Set Supervisors: Genevieve Pearson & Yvette Romano, BG Costume Buyer: Jennifer Bunt
Costume Design in Film – International
WINNER: The Banker
Costume Designer: Aieisha Li, Assistant Costume Designer / Supervisor: Jennifer Leigh-Scott

So excited to read Murdoch Mysteries were in on this. I love the program
The costumes are great, everything about this program is amazing