Everything about Dark Matter, eh?

Comments and queries for the week of July 31

The key to Amazing Race Canada‘s Express Pass

You can really do one of three things with the Express Pass you have to give away:

A) Give it to another team you like out of friendship and maybe you can help each other on some random task down the line.

B) Give it to a weak team you feel sorry for. Perhaps hoping on the small chance they use it at a time when a stronger team is having a bad day so the Express Pass contributes to the stronger team’s elimination.

C) Give it to a strong team that probably won’t really need it but knowing it will probably make them a bigger possibility for getting U-Turned. And maybe the stronger team will help you on a task down the line. —Dan

Love/hate for Dark Matter

I think that Dark Matter S01E07 is one of this season’s best episodes, with an interesting, fast paced story and new interesting characters. I think it was a nice jump in quality, compared to the previous episode, that I found slow and not too interesting. —Juan

Not impressed with the addition of Ruby Rose to the great cast already in place. She is freaking annoying and not sci-fi material in my opinion. I’ll give her props in OITNB but this was not a positive for the show Dark Matter. It adds a sleazy feel. Last week we enjoyed wonderful character development. This week made me feel like I was watching The CW’s teeny B.S. —Not Happy


Got a comment or query about Canadian TV? greg@tv-eh.com or @tv_eh.


Preview: Three’s story explored on Dark Matter

Last week, Dark Matter revealed the backstories of Four, Five and Six while teasing who might be Titch. This week, amid the excitement surrounding Ruby Rose’s guest-starring gig, Dark Matter explored how appearances can be deceiving, whether it’s an entertainment android named Wendy to a mercenary named Marcus. It all happens in tonight’s seventh instalment, when the Raza crew discovers what’s behind that locked door.

Ruby Rose shows us her kick-ass side
As expected, Ruby Rose’s guest turn as Wendy is memorable for a couple of reasons. The entertainment android—one of several items discovered behind the locked door—is gifted in the kitchen with limited food, able to deliver impeccable massages … and can perform something called Dunking the Cosmic Donut. An extended scene with One provides laugh-out-loud moments and showcases Marc Bendavid’s comic timing. Turns out Wendy is hiding something pretty big, and it has a major impact on the Raza team.


Zoie Palmer shows us her comic side
Longtime fans (or Twitter followers) of Zoie Palmer know she’s got a wicked sense of humour, and Robert C. Cooper’s script allows for some of that to shine through. Despite the fact the Android isn’t supposed to feel jealousy, Wendy’s immediate impact on the crew leaves her feeling left out. The lengths the Android goes to gain their attention again is hilarious. Two words without giving too much away: Jamaican accent.

Three shows us his soft side
I’ve been waiting to find out more info on Three and we get lots of it tonight. Among the money, guns and Wendy in the storage area is Sara (Natalie Brown, The Strain), a woman locked away in a pod. Upon being thawed out, she calls Three by his real name and recalls the man before he lost his memories, offering great insight into Three’s history and the man he can be when he’s not, you know, being a jerk face.


Two shows us her backside
Let’s just say One and Two’s relationship takes an interesting turn.

Dark Matter airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET on Space.


Link: Six Things to know about Ruby Rose on Dark Matter

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Six Things to know about Ruby Rose on Dark Matter
One of the Summer of 2015’s breakout TV stars has certainly been Orange is the New Black’s Ruby Rose. Fans who can’t seem to get enough of the Australian actress will be able to check her out when she guest stars on this week’s episode of Dark Matter. The Raza crew will find Rose’s character Wendy, an entertainment model Android, on board, something that may not sit so well with the crew’s resident Android played by Zoie Palmer. Continue reading.


Review: Four, Five and Six on Dark Matter

Who is Titch, and what happened in their life to turn them into a hardened criminal? That was one of the key questions posed in Episode 6 of Dark Matter.

Friday’s newest episode showcased Jodelle Ferland’s acting chops as she assumed the role of Four to give us more of his back story while we learned more about Five’s own past. With the crew of the Raza still unsure about what brought them together, Five offered up her mind to a probe in order to get answers.

We knew Four’s power-hungry stepmother was behind the death of the Emperor, but Five recounted it all for Four. We learned the Emperor wasn’t all that nice of a guy and strived to have his son feared by all despite the kind streak in the boy.

As for herself, Das realized she and the dead boy, TJ, were stowaways on the Raza. She’d picked the wrong pocket to pick and gotten her hands on that key; the man who owned it killed all of her friends and mortally wounded TJ. The two snuck on board the ship where it was revealed One and Three knew each other.

Five’s extended attachment and reliance on the probe put her life in danger, leading Six to suit up and offer to go in and pull Five back. While he sought her out, he uncovered part of his own past: his rebel group fought back against the Galactic Alliance and took the extreme measure of blowing up a space station (and 10,000 people) for their cause.

So, who is Titch? Five was involved in that person’s memories doing chores around a farm and leading a happy life when Six showed up to take her back. Five was betting those memories belonged to One, but I think it was Three. He’s just the type of guy to put up a tough front to hide some inner sensitivity. Was Three’s idyllic life shattered by violence? I’m bet that’s the case, but we’ll have to wait at least another week to find out.

Notes and quotes

  • No wonder they’re running low on food. Three is eating. All. The. Time.

Dark Matter airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET on Space.


Link: Back to deep space with Dark Matter director Amanda Tapping

From Sabrina Furminger of Westender:

Back to deep space with Dark Matter director Amanda Tapping
“I think the industry is changing, and I think there are more opportunities for women than there were,” says Tapping.

“The statistics, yes, are abysmal for women behind the camera, but there is more public accountability,” she says. “It’s the fact that we’re talking about it. It’s not changing very quickly, but I believe it is changing.” Continue reading.
