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TV, eh? Interview: Martin Gero of The LA Complex

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By Diane Wild of TV, eh?

The LA Complex creator Martin Gero might have found early success in Canadian film (Young People Fucking), Vancouver-shot television (the Stargate franchise), and a New York-based HBO series (Bored To Death), but even he knows how it feels to be a displaced Canadian in Los Angeles.

“Whether you’re a writer, dancer or actor, being out of your element is a universal. Everyone in LA is out of their element. Very few people are born and raised in LA. And the ones that are, are kind of weird,” joked the writer/director. “But being out of your element is something people feel as a universal in life.”

A blend of sexy, smart, funny and wildly dramatic, MuchMusic’s The LA Complex features a group of photogenic twenty-somethings, including Degrassi’s Cassie Steele and Firefly’s Jewel Staite, as a group of struggling performers trying to make it in Hollywood.

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