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WGC Nominee Larry Bambrick on Flashpoint’s “Shockwave”

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Leading up to the Writers Guild of Canada awards on April 23, TV, eh? will be posting a series of interviews with some of nominees. Larry Bambrick was nominated in the TV Drama category for the “Shockwave” episode of Flashpoint (one of four Flashpoint nominations in the category … and his first drama script).

Can you describe the episode and how it fit into the Flashpoint season?

In “Shockwave”, a routine call takes a horrible turn and most of Team One gets trapped underground with a powerful bomb. While Spike Scarlatti (the team’s tech expert) struggles to defuse the bomb, he gets news that his sick father won’t survive the night. Spike has to find a way to connect with an emotionally raw bomber, defuse the device and race to his father’s side. It’s the final chapter in a long arc about Spike and his often rocky relationship with his dad.

What about this episode are you particularly proud of?

I’m particularly proud of how quickly the entire writing team responded to last-minute production notes. Just days before shooting, it became obvious that the original script was simply too big. A couple of long days and late nights later — where we re-broke the last three acts — we turned around a new draft. The other happy surprise is that “Shockwave” is the first drama script I’ve ever written. To get a WGC nomination for it is simply overwhelming.

What does this recognition mean to you?

Two years ago, I took a chance moving into drama. I’d been working in news and documentaries for my entire career before deciding to see if I could make a living in the “non-factual” world. This nomination is just so humbling. This script — and my two years on Flashpoint — couldn’t be a better introduction to dramatic writing.

And finally (imagine my best Joan Rivers impression): what will you be wearing to the ceremony?

I’ll be wearing a black t-shirt and a lovely jacket my wife gave me. Likely shoes and socks too. Although if Michael MacLennan decides not to wear the patchwork pants he bought in Paris, I might borrow those.


TV, Eh? Industry Roundup – Corus Quay, Shaw Media/Vikings, CRTC/music, Sea to Sky Entertainment

Corus Quay flipped twice in one day

On March 12, 2012, the Corus Quay was bought by Corus 25 Dockside Property Inc., a Corus Entertainment subsidiary, for $186 million. Corus Quay was, until this move, owned by the Toronto Port Lands Company.

The original agreement saw Corus Entertainment lease the Corus Quay until 2029. In exchange for maintenance of the original lease, plus an optional twenty-year extension, H&R Real Estate Investment Trust is Corus Quay’s new owner. H&R REIT covered the cost of the Corus 25 Dockside Property Inc. sale.

The Corus Quay was completed in the fall of 2010. It is the central programming hub for twenty-four television services, and three Toronto radio stations. Around 1100 employees currently work at the Corus Quay.

Continue reading TV, Eh? Industry Roundup – Corus Quay, Shaw Media/Vikings, CRTC/music, Sea to Sky Entertainment


WGC Nominee Michael MacLennan on Flashpoint’s “The Better Man”


Leading up to the Writers Guild of Canada awards on April 23, TV, eh? will be posting a series of interviews with some of nominees. Michael MacLennan was nominated in the TV Drama category for the “The Better Man” episode of Flashpoint (one of four Flashpoint nominations in the category).

Can you describe the episode “The Better Man” and how it fit into the Flashpoint season?

The episode takes place on the night of a “rolling raid,” a city-wide drug bust that forces Team One to take down a kingpin with unexpected connections to an undercover cop. One thing that makes it special is that the mission forces the team to wrestle with their own secret, which ultimately results in this being the last mission of Wordy, one of the team’s beloved members.

What about this episode are you particularly proud of?

I really like how the episode structures two differing notions of what it is to be a “good cop,” how loyalty to a team or a mission can be compromised by personal agendas, however noble. And ultimately, how the different choices of Wordy and guest-star Naimeth result in markedly different fates.

What does this recognition mean to you?

To be recognized by one’s peers like this, based on the writing alone, it’s a wonderful thrill. This is my sixth nomination and it always sends my heart racing. This year I feel there are many more promising nominations than mine, so I’m looking forward to just seeing friends at the ceremony, and celebrating this wonderful time in Canadian television.

And finally (imagine my best Joan Rivers impression): what will you be wearing to the ceremony?

Wow, do I have to decide now? I haven’t even begun to short-list my stylist! Hm, in the spirit of fun, I might wear these patchwork pants I bought in Paris a few years back. That sounds horribly 80s but I think they’re pretty cool. Although what do I know — I spend half my life writing in sweatshirts and old stretched sweaters!


TV, Eh? Industry Update – TOU.TV, CRTC, CBSC/Toronto media, more

TOU.TV’s Hard gets cut off

It took until March 8, 2012 for Sun News Network to talk about CBC again – this time, a “victory,” as TOU.TV pulls Hard from its website. Hard is a French sitcom from Canal+ set in the porn industry, though Hard is more a racy HBO-esque sitcom with nudity and simulated sex, than a proper soft-core romp.

I realize the issue is around CBC using government funding to pay for explicit programming. At the same time…a French cable show, with racier-than-usual material? By this definition of porn, quite a few TV Funhouse segments, like “Jokamel” and “Porn for Kids” – are “porn.”

Yeah, I know I’m reaching, with references to a long-cancelled Robert Smigel program. I’m just saying.

Continue reading TV, Eh? Industry Update – TOU.TV, CRTC, CBSC/Toronto media, more
