TV, eh? | What's up in Canadian television | Page 2900
TV,eh? What's up in Canadian television

In the news: The Border praised as ‘best ever’

Dave White of the Western Star really likes words that start with “c”:

  • Local newspaper provides a warm blanket in cold, unsure times
    “In The Border, right-wing collaborators and left-leaning security officials stir an eclectic mix of the proven and the probable in what is likely the best made-for-television Canadian drama series ever. Its plausible portrayals cause viewers to think outside box and across political boundaries, lending levels of credence to opportunities for collusion and chicanery channeled through corporate and civil controls common in certain circles.” Read more.


American-Canadian differences in policy are personified in the relationship between American agent Bianca LaGarda (Sofia Milos) and her Canadian counterpart Major Mike Kessler (James McGowan).


In the news: A Harvard take on Canadian TV

From Katie Mapes of the Harvard Law School Record:

  • Harvard Law (Television) Review: Canadian Television
    “For reasons that are beyond me, our neighbor to the north apparently doesn’t think it’s worth their time to police what videos are put on YouTube. But I’m not complaining. As a result, you can watch full seasons of Canadian television on-line. It’s a perfect way to kick back and to assure yourself that even a nation with universal health care and money that is terrifyingly worth more than yours still can’t manage to properly pronounce words like ‘sorry’ and ‘about.'” Read more.

In the news: Little Mosque’s road show

From Theresa Taylor of Sun Media:

  • Little Mosque hits the ‘Road’
    “When Calgary native Manoj Sood showed up for his first day of work on the set of Little Mosque on the Prairie, he wasn’t there to triumph the importance of diversity in sitcom culture. ‘I wasn’t thinking, ‘Oh, great this show will promote multiculturalism.’ I was happy to have a paying job,’ he says, joking.” Read more.

Interview with Murdoch Mysteries showrunner

From Jill Golick at Running with my Eyes Closed, an interview with Cal Coons:

  • More Murdoch
    “What we did when we developed the show was to make Murdoch a man of the future, a polymath who is exploring the boundaries between science and policing. He is ahead of his time. In doing so, we thought how would people react to a man that was advanced beyond them. We worked very hard to craft Murdoch. We did a lot of homework and were influenced by great — and even not so great — sources.” Read more.