What makes Murdoch Mysteries so very special is that at times it is also a comedy, a science fiction or a romance as well as a mystery show. That is one reason it is the best! —Santa
When Calls the Heart is the greatest show ever! —Carolyn
Blackstone closes down for goodBlackstone
so far is the best show APTN has ever had. The one thing that you get out if watching this show is empathy for people who do not grow up and live with silver spoons. Some people are scratching and clawing their way through life and it is hard. —Doug
Sorry to see this series end. Really enjoyed this show. Why do all the good ones have to end? —Laurie
I tried, oh gosh I tried again and again to get into it, but Blackstone was just too depressing for me. There was never any counter balance feel-good, sadly same was true of North of 60. We’ve been north of 60, James Bay on the Quebec side, NWT and Yukon, and rez’s in southern Canada too, and yes , like everywhere on this planet there’s not nice, but, there’s lots of nice too, just like the rest of the planet. The nice should be portrayed too. —Stevie
Sorry to see this show go! I really enjoyed watching and never missed an episode. It might not have been reality TV, but was so much better than other  “reality” or what is classed as reality TV. Going to miss you all, even Andy, you dirty bugger! LOL —Shirley
This Life closes out stellar first season
One of the best shows I’ve seen in years. So very, very impressed with the acting and the fine writing. I hope this show has many, many seasons… —Di
Got a comment or question about Canadian TV? greg@tv-eh.com or @tv_eh.