Links: Killjoys, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”

From Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys: Nikolijne Troubetzkoy talks “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”
“It’s funny because when I was writing this episode, what I was most worried about was not having too much story, but too little. Killjoys is a high-stakes action-oriented show and this episode is set almost entirely in Lucy without any external antagonists. With the exception of the flashbacks, it’s powered entirely by the drama of what’s going on inside the ship. I just wasn’t convinced that this would give us the stakes we needed. Surely we needed a little sprinkle of something else – space pirates, saboteurs, chocolate syrup? Boy, was I ever wrong!” Continue reading.

Link: Nikolijne Troubetzkoy talks Killjoys Season 4
“When planning out a whole season, you think that your revelations are going to come very slowly, and inevitably, once you end up breaking the episodes, you pull things forward and add more at the end. It was a very last-minute decision to pull up that reveal and that’s what makes that episode amazing.” Continue reading.

