Everything about Killjoys, eh?

Killjoys: Hullen highjinks and pregnancy horrors

How will Dutch survive if she kills Aneela? That was the most pressing issue facing our heroes after last week’s instalment. “Heist, Heist, Baby” was one hells of a fun episode—Jelco was the best!—but things got serious when Dutch told D’avin about the situation involving Aneela and her fatal tie. D’avin says he’s cool with the plan, but we’re pretty sure he won’t keep her secret.

Which brings us to this week’s episode, “Reckoning Ball,” written by Adam Barken and directed by Peter Stebbings. Here’s what Space says about the main storylines:

John must confront his nemesis face-to-face when Delle Seyah suddenly arrives to set terms of war via parley. As D’avin and Dutch plan a counterattack, Alvis tries to ready everyone for war through the ritual of Reckoning.

And here are more goodies we can dole out after watching a screener.

Alvis is in the building
And he’s got one heck of a story to tell regarding the devil who came down to Arkyn. Some of his tale to an inquisitive young woman we’ve heard before, but Alvis reveals some key details and it’s always good to get a recap on the green, the Scarbacks’ role, and the legend of the 13 monks. The story is bookended in spectacular fashion in the closing moments of “Reckoning Ball.”

Delle Seyah pays a visit
Our heroic trio is shocked to find Delle Seyah alive (especially Johnny) and pregnant. Clearly, she’s there to fulfill the plan Aneela mentioned in “Heist, Heist, Baby,” but what does the parley involve? And who is in the most danger? And who or what is the father of her baby?

Zeph has an idea
And it just might give our team the win. You know, if it works.

Pippin Foster returns
Yup, Atticus Mitchell—who we haven’t seen since the Season 3 return, “Boondoggie”—is back. How the black market dealer factors into this week’s plot is as entertaining as it is ingenious. Pip’s scenes allow Barken to really skewer the sci-fi world to hilarious effect. Speaking of guest turns, a certain Hullen (and her abs) who got into Fancy’s head is back for more fun.

Fancy has a challenge for Turin
With war on the way, Fancy questions Turin’s loyalty to the cause.

Pree sings
And it’s friggin’ fantastic. (And about time, frankly.)

Killjoys airs Fridays at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on Space.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.





Link: Syfy’s Summer Series Are One Big, Gooey, Rollicking Good Time

From Alexis Gunderson of Paste:

Link: Syfy’s Summer Series Are One Big, Gooey, Rollicking Good Time
Lovretta has made the goo on Killjoys both extraterrestrial and sentient, a hyper-advanced, neurally-linked, nearly immortal parasitic alien organism that is slowly taking over what humanity exists in the series’ post-Earth world. Cold, calculating and singularly focused on their species’ dominance, the Hullen are the diametric opposite of the messy, loving human family at the series’ center: Dutch (Hannah John-Kamen), Johnny (Aaron Ashmore) and D’Avin (Luke Macfarlane). Continue reading. 



Link: Killjoys’ writer Julie Puckrin previews what’s next for Dutch

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys’ writer Julie Puckrin previews what’s next for Dutch
“Michelle assembled a great team, and we laughed a lot. It can be a little intimidating to join a show in its third season – there is a lot of history, and these are fully formed characters, with an established fan base that you want to do right by. But the whole team was so supportive, they made it easy.” Continue reading.




Killjoys: New plans, old foes and one hells of a heist

To say last week’s episode of Killjoys was a revelation would be an understatement. “The Wolf You Feed” kicked open the Aneela and Dutch back story, uncovering that Aneela willed a younger, innocent version of herself from the green that became Dutch. Viewers also discovered Dutch and Johnny’s origin story began on her wedding night and included Lucy. And if that wasn’t enough, Delle Seyah is pregnant. Somehow.

With just three more episodes left—hey Syfy and Space, where’s your renewal announcement?—we crashed headlong into “Heist, Heist, Baby,” written by Julie Puckrin and directed by April Mullen. Here’s what Space announced for a synopsis:

As the Killjoys plan a dangerous theft on an armoured convoy, Aneela finds herself on a desperate search for something far more valuable that was stolen from her: Delle Seyah.

And we’ve got several juicy tidbits to add after watching a screener.

Battle plans are being made
Dutch left D’avin in charge of the army against the Hullen armada and plans are well underway. Now, if D’avin and Johnny can just figure out a way to plot an attack model that doesn’t result in their complete destruction … and stop bitching at each other. (“This is my shit face!” Johnny says at one point. Or is it “shitface”?) Johnny figures out a way to stop the Hullen (he thinks, anyway); hence the heist in the episode title.

Old foes return
D’avin and Johnny need help to pull off the heist and call on old friends/foes to help out. Pukrin wrote a very funny scene involving strategically-placed food items that allows Hannah John-Kamen a bit of comedy. Speaking of comedy, pay attention to the name of a certain blaster D’avin is carrying. Its name is a shout-out to writer Nikolijne Troubetzkoy. And only on cable television can references to ass to mouth, the missionary position, front door and back door, and STDs be liberally sprinkled about for comic effect. And look for veteran actor John Tench in a tough-as-nails—and memorable—role.

Dutch’s cube makes a return appearance
We saw Aneela’s prison in flashbacks last week; Dutch’s safe house cube is a major plot point this week as Johnny, Dutch and Zeph do some poking and prodding. And can we take a second to appreciate Dutch’s damned slick outfit in the above photo? OK, thank you.

Aneela is on the warpath
As hinted in the image at the top of this preview, Aneela is just a little miffed that Gander made off with her gal pal. Brynn (Kalinka Petrie) is willing to help Aneela find Delle Seyah, but why? And will Gander confess to Delle Seyah’s whereabouts? We won’t say anything else about this storyline but things go from curious to downright horrifying.

Killjoys airs Fridays at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on Space.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.

