If Jeremy had served one entree rather than four dishes in one, I think he would’ve had a better change of winning. His mistake was making four dishes rather than one in the entree round. —Rich
Wow, that’s all I can say. What a disappointing finale. Jeremy was supposed to win. They wanted a Canadian female to win for ratings, but at least find someone other than Jeremy to put her up against. He outclassed her on so many levels. —Ed
I will not watch MasterChef Canada again. The decision and shallowness of this year’s decision has left a very bad taste in my mouth. —Cynthia
It must have been a very difficult decision for the Chef judges, but I was happy that Mary came out victorious. I will bet that Jeremy gets some offers in the culinary industry in his future. —Joyce
Jeremy threw in everything but the kitchen sink in that appetizer, four sushi dishes and dessert. That doesn’t make it creative! Would you like a bison entree, followed by four different raw seafood rolls and then a dessert that had cream in it? None of the dishes were connected in any way.  For those of you who think Mary won because she is a woman, how would you like it if a man won and everybody said he only won because he’s a “man� You are sore losers. Veronica, Matthew, the doctor and several other contestants got as much face time as Mary did on the show. She won because she’s a great chef—get over it! —So There
For those who thought Jeremy should have won, keep in mind that the winner was likely decided not just based on the final round but over the entire competition. At any rate, I didn’t think Jeremy decisively beat Mary in the final round. Keep in mind, none of us tasted the food. —Rabbit
I think Mary had it in the bag all season and her final meal looked and obviously tasted great. Good on you girl. Hope you get everything you want. —Glenys
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to see the series premiere in the U.S. for a few more weeks, it’s both exciting and a relief to read your thoughts about Episode 1. Anna and I shared five of our most compelling investigations complied over the last six years of investigating some of the most haunted locations in the U.S.A. Villisca is certainly an experience we will not forget, it is good to know through our stories you felt some of the anxiety and fear this location, as well as the others, experienced by each of us. We are a bit biased when it comes to the content and the impact our stories have with the viewers. It is good to read such a positive recap.
In closing, we can attest to the fact that ALL of what you hear and see is real, experienced by each of us, (The Paranormal Investigators Squad). We love what we do, we continue to Seek the Truth. One location at a time! Thanks for a Great Review!! Regards.—Alan and Anna Tolf, PoppaNana Paranormal Investigations, Michigan
I’ve always made fun of my girlfriend’s detective shows, but not Private Eyes. I’m hooked especially on Cindy Sampson, now there is one sexy woman. Let’s just hope this show lasts a little while; not a bad show for being Canadian. —John
Got a question or comment about Canadian TV? Email greg@tv-eh.com or via Twitter @tv_eh.