Tag Archives: Killjoys

Viktoria Modesta lands killer guest-starring role on Killjoys

Viktoria Modesta makes an immediate impact in her guest appearance in Friday’s new episode of Killjoys. Her jet-black hair and up-to-here boots are a contrast to the stark white of her surroundings … and her secret could be deadly to Johnny.

Modesta, an artist, fashion designer, DJ, performer, singer and actor, was specifically chosen by Killjoys‘ creator Michelle Lovretta to embody the role of Niko, a Hackmod surgeon who pulls Johnny into her world. We spoke to Modesta during a break in production on Episode 2 to get her take on Niko and Killjoys‘ Hackmod storyline. Friday’s new instalment, “A Skinner, Darkly,” also gets the to bottom of where Clara is, puts Dutch and D’avin in more peril and features Modesta’s single, “Prototype,” in a key scene.

How did you get involved in Killjoys in the first place?
Viktoria Modesta: The Killjoys team contacted me. I haven’t concentrated on acting very much. My music and my weird tech/fashion stuff have been preoccupying me. I wasn’t sure if this was something that I wanted to do but I spoke to Michelle [Lovretta] and she explained to me that a lot of influences in the show sort of came from my work. I was really flattered and thought that was amazing. I did my first audition tape and it was awesome.

This storyline features Hackmods in a big way. Describe them.
I think they’re super bad-ass. I think there will be a lot of action that people haven’t seen on screen very much. There isn’t a lot of CGI, these are actors with actual body modifications, which is great. I haven’t seen that, personally, happen on TV before. That’s a massive, standout point for me; it’s really brilliant. I’ve been on some recent panels in L.A. about disability in Hollywood and it’s a really big topic.

Sci-fi is such an inclusive genre. It doesn’t matter what you look like or what your sexual preference is. Everyone is welcome.
One of the other angles for the casting of this show is the Hackmods are actual amputees or have body modifications, but it’s also really bold to get me on the show pretty much because of what I’m like in my performance life—costumes, etc.—I’m coming in as a real-life character. I’m just stepping onto the set with a different script and that’s amazing and brave to do that. The sci-fi genre, and dressing up in costumes in general, is liberating. In my life, getting into fashion, art and performance has helped me freely explore who I want to be. It’s really fantastic. I dedicate my life to the world of fantasy.

What can you tell me about Niko, your character?
Not too much, other than the fact she’s a scientist and is involved in this complicated emotional dilemma story. We never really know what side she’s really on. The great thing about Niko is that she displays a full range of human qualities. She is a pretty well-rounded person and, again, it feels natural to my own persona where it’s a nice balance of being sensitive and fragile, but also embracing your sexuality and your strength.

Killjoys airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET on Space.

Image courtesy of Bell Media.


Link: Forget blockbuster movies – Killjoys is a summer thrill ride right here on TV

From Graeme Virtue of The Guardian:

Link: Forget blockbuster movies – Killjoys is a summer thrill ride right here on TV
Killjoys also offers respite from the current heavy weather of prestige TV: think of it as a rollicking tequila slammer between episodes of elliptical head-wrecker Twin Peaks, The Handmaid’s Tale or that final season of The Leftovers. It’s a torrid summer fling waiting to happen, and while starting with season three is hardly advisable, the first series is available to dip into on Netflix. If you mourn the early cancellation of Firefly – and it seems a lot of people still do – Killjoys seems designed to scratch that Whedon itch. It’s sexy, heartfelt and fun. Continue reading.


Link: Killjoys: Michelle Lovretta talks “Boondoggie”

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys: Michelle Lovretta talks “Boondoggie”
“One of my great joys as a writer on this show has been realizing how goddamn funny Luke is, and we gleefully exploit the balls out of that in Season 3, no mistake. He has made the D’avin character better and more nuanced than I ever could on my own, and I’m so grateful. But you know, it’s odd – maybe my humor-versus-trauma sensor is busted, but I don’t really think the John or Dutch storylines are all that dark this year, compared to emo Season 2?” Continue reading. 


Link: Killjoys’ Aaron Ashmore promises a darker John Jaqobis in Season 3

From Bridget Liszewski of The TV Junkies:

Link: Killjoys’ Aaron Ashmore promises a darker John Jaqobis in Season 3
“I think a little of John’s shine has worn off this year. He still has his sense of humor and is still John, but there’s just a little bit of a darker element to him. Hopefully that plays because you go through all these traumatic experiences and it only makes sense they’ll screw you up a little bit.” Continue reading. 


Killjoys: Creator Michelle Lovretta sets the stage for Season 3

If Killjoys‘ first episode is any indication, Season 3 is going to kick some serious ass. And why not? Creator Michelle Lovretta and her writing team set up exactly this scenario in the Season 2 finale, as Dutch (Hannah John-Kamen) announced an all-out war against Aneela.

“Boondoggie,” returning Friday at 9 p.m. ET on Space, picks up with Dutch, D’avin (Luke McFarlane) and Johnny (Aaron Ashmore) doing their part to get the showdown started with some key help from Pree (Thom Allison) and Alvis (Morgan Kelly). With guest stars like Viktoria Modesta, Tommie-Amber Pirie and Karen LeBlanc jetting into The Quad, we got Lovretta on the phone to set the stage for what promises to be one hells of a great season.

Congratulations on Season 3 of Killjoys. You’re back on Friday nights this summer and Wynonna Earp is part of the lineup on Space.
Michelle Lovretta: I’m super excited. It’s funny, having Emily as a dear friend on this journey and having her on Killjoys it’s kind of a delicious treat that we’re going to airing as sister shows, effectively, on the same night. It’s a small world in the best of ways.

When we last left the group Khlyen had died, D’avin and Fancy were trading quips, Johnny and Clara were off in Khlyen’s ship and the tree is no more. Where do we pick up on Friday night? Is it right after the events of the Season 2 finale?
It is not right after, but I would say the emotional stakes have a very clear continuity with where we left everybody. We’ve taken a little breath and allowed a little time to pass. The stakes remain what Aneela’s ultimate game plan is and assessing their best approach to turning a gang of Killjoy rebels into a valid militia force against the Hullen.

It’s always fun to train people who don’t really know how to fight how to fight.
Exactly. And these are brawlers. The thing I’ve always loved about Killjoys from the beginning is the take no sides, take no bribes. It allows you to divorce yourself from a whole lot of thorny issues in terms of whether you are on the right side or the wrong side. Now, they’re no longer given that freedom. Now they not only have to take a side but have to try to talk other people into taking a side and trying to get people who were in it for a buck to be in it for the fight. It’s an interesting challenge but, honestly, I can’t think of anybody in our world that would be better suited for it than the combination of Dutch, D’av and Johnny because they are different people with different approaches and we get to see that tragically, comically and lovingly play out this season.

But just because someone says they’re on your side doesn’t mean they really are.
Exactly. It’s true. And one of the things we’re exploring this season is that it’s about loyalties and about your self-definition. I love to live in the grey, not because I don’t there is evil and good because I do, but that it’s contextual in a lot of ways. There are people who are very good to their loved ones and those loved ones never know how savage they are. That’s sort of the complexity of what it is to be human and that’s what has sort of fascinated me about the relationship between Dutch and Khlyen. We saw that play out last year because I thought it was really important. There was an abusive, manipulative side to that relationship and it was toxic. She needed to deal with that and also deal with, in her definition, love and support and protection. That’s what makes life and relationships so complicated. This season that spreads out into her relationships with other people as well.

Is Aneela the big villain this season? Is she the focus?
There are definitely other challenges. Aneela is, I would say, the architect of many of those. She is colluding from afar at first and that gives our people time to regroup. There are other villains closer at hand at times. And we still have the structure that I love, which is a great adventure at its heart and a story that resolves itself neatly, but feeds into and broadens the greater season-long arc.

Last season you suggested Pree’s warlord history. Do you touch on that this season?
Let me just say the title of Episode 4 is “The Lion, The Witch and The Warlord.” [Laughs.] Pree fans may read into that what they will.

Thom has been so great in this role.
He is amazing and we love the secondary characters. It always feels odd in my mouth to call them secondary. While we can’t always give them a full story we always want to keep them close to hand and close to heart and I think we do that very handily this season. We have more Fancy, we have more Alvis, we have some surprise people that you may not be expecting. We have some new people as well because, frankly, that’s such a joy for us. Because I love our core three so much, one of the things that is fun to do is give them new energy to play against.

Viktoria Modesta is a guest star in Season 3 as Niko. Viktoria is an artist, singer and an amputee. What can you say about her character?
I’m super-excited about Viktoria joining us and the character of Niko. It was our opportunity to bring to life this very unique, very sexy, very glamorous aspirational character. She certainly has her sexy villain side because I find that appealing. But even within the time she is with us, we have also given her her own perspective and a credible rationalization for the things that she does. She is somebody that Johnny butts heads with in Episode 2 and I think it was possibly the first time that Viktoria had appeared on television, and she was an incredibly passionate and quick study. We wanted to make sure that the Hackmod world was legitimate and we brought in actors that believably belonged in those roles but at the same time didn’t make it a dark and unhappy place. They have a badassery to them.

Were the Hackmods something you always had in the back of your mind when you were creating Killjoys or did they evolve during production?
They came to me in Season 1. I went back, actually, and found a lot of clippings that I had gone through. People with gun legs and modifications on human bodies. It’s something I find very interesting when you’re thinking about the future and how we’re going to be hacking our own bodies. I think it’s part of our journey, as humans. And then it becomes, as a writer, what does that do to them culturally? Legally? What does that do to their rights and norms? Who are the outcasts?

What can you tell me about Karen LeBlanc’s role this season?
Can I just say how gorgeous she is? Every time I’m editing and she comes on screen I ask if I can have the footage rolled back one more time. [Laughs.] She plays an antagonist to our team. When we come back the RAC that operates as business as usual realizes a bunch of agents have gone missing when Dutch went ahead and killed the Arkyn pool. Banyon has a completely correct suspicion that Dutch and team are somehow at the heart of this and she is definitely, ‘Let’s pull back the curtain and take a poke at Dutch.’

What can fans expect when they tune in this season? What will they see?
One of the things we lay out is the complete origin story between Dutch and her connection to Aneela. You also are going to see Pree at his best and his warlord past. You are going to see Dutch and John on the day they met. You’re going to see a lot of tasty things that as, as writers, we waited for the right time for. We didn’t want to just throw them out in the first season, but have been pining to do ever since.

Killjoys airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET on Space.

Images courtesy of Bell Media.
