After 10 dramatic episodes, Bachelorette Canada star Jasmine Lorimer made her decision on Tuesday night. With the beaches of Cuba as the backdrop, Jasmine chose Kevin over Mikhel in the season finale.
Mikhel took the bad news surprisingly well in front of Jasmine, telling her he had her back regardless of what she decided.
“You are one of the best people that I’ve ever met in my entire life,” she began. “I don’t know the last time anyone has made me feel as cared about and as supported as you have made me feel. I have meant every single word that I’ve said to you, but I feel I’ve developed a stronger relationship with someone else. And I feel sort of crazy for having to say goodbye to someone as amazing as you. It feels wrong, but I know that you deserve the best, and you’re going to find that person.”
I know Mikhel was crushed, but I felt pretty badly too. After all, Mikhel spent the first half of the episode on an emotional high, positive Jasmine would choose him and he’d be slipping a simple engagement ring on her finger. Instead, he got a hug, a broken heart and a lonely ride to the airport.
“I’m sad that I don’t get to have Jasmine,” he said while on the road before delivering a truly sad line: “I just don’t know what people want from me. I’m literally the best man I know how to be right now. I don’t know how else to be a better person. I don’t know what else I can do.”
Meanwhile, the man who made such a great first impression on Jasmine was the one she picked. Despite misgivings about his commitment to the process and a seriously scary mother, Jasmine picked Kevin to be her man. The fact she kept him despite his jealous tendencies and protective mom was a true indication of how much she cared for Kevin.
“I really felt, early on, that you and I had something that I didn’t have with anyone else,” she said. “I think that you are one of the most incredible people that I’ve ever met and there been a crazy electricity from the start. I care about you so much and I love you.”
She also said yes to Kevin’s proposal, and he slipped the glittery bauble on her finger and he accepted the final rose of the season.
Then it was time for the After the Final Rose special, with host Noah Cappe welcoming Jasmine, Kevin and Mikhel to the stage to talk about their experiences. Here’s what we learned:
- The ladies love Mikhel.
- Mikhel still loves Jasmine.
- Mikhel is a classy dude.
- Jasmine and Kevin have had conflict after the show was over.
- Kevin got a haircut.
- Jill likes Jasmine.
Were you happy with Jasmine’s decision? Let me know in the comments below or via Twitter @tv_eh.